Pervertic bastards in buses
BASTARDS!!!Dammit! I had enough! ENOUGH!! Screw you assholes who think it's ok rubbing up to girls in a crowded bus!!Screw you bastards who feel 'the kick' just sitting sooo damn close to girls in the bus!!Screw YOU fuckers!! SCREW YOU!!!Im pissed!! Yes! I rEALLY am!! I had enough of such encounters with these desperate shitbags!!! Failures of the society!What the hell do u get leaning sooo close to a girl sitting next to you man!?? I mean, fuck..u DON'T even get to put yr pathetic 'brother' into her alright!!! So what the shit do u have in your brain by doing that shitassed action?? Shiok meh?? Tell me, what pleasure do you really feel when u sit soo bloody close to a girl (in the bus)?? Does it really feel sooo great having your arms and thighs touching hers??? I thought only dicks were sensitive! Since when your arms had extra sensory nerves too? Damn bloody fucking BasTArds!Young and old ALL the SAME!! Young feeling horny..ok, can understand. But freaking old dick! If you can even get IT to stand (hah!), go screw your wife instead!! Why traumatize girls in society!!! Dont make me curse your death asshole!!You know what really irritates me is that there are more and MORE of such fucking jerks taking the public transports (mainly buses & trains) these days!! As if the usual 'door-guards', 'put-bags-on-seat goons' and 'got-space-dun-move-in morons' are NOT irritating enough!!!To hell with the 'Take public transport' movement! With soooo many of such perverts following the campaign, i rather spend that ton of money buying a car than letting a horny bastard rub up against me!!Damn! Just thinking about it makes me furious! I just dont get what excitment or enjoyment they get!! Fucking bastards! Leaning in sooo close and even just lying against my arm as if the movement of the bus caused you to have no control over yours! ThiNK I BORN YESTERDAY ISSIT!!!! Shitface!!Might as well just open your bloody mouth and ask me to hug you!! Hmph, if looks could kill, your family would be preparing for your wake right NOW fucker!And this is JUST one such asshole!! There are TONS out there in Singapore!!! Desperate bastards! And WhY mE?!!? Funny thing is that as far as i can remember, i am always wearing a LOOSE, BAGGY T-SHIRT when such shit happens!! What the fuck were they thinking!!!!!! I really dun get how their screwed up mind works!Totally destroyed my mood and initial intention to write about some story book character. Blame those shitassed fuckers!! Hope all you perverts who get joy in doing such things die of some horrible disease!!! AIDS! Yes, DIE OF AIDS!! Suffer a slow, torturing death! Arrghh!!! DAMN YOU BLOODY PERVERTIC FUCKERS!!!! BURN IN HELL!!![postnote: Vulgarities used does not indicate a change of my character. It just accentuates the anger and frustration im feeling or rather felt at the time the entry was written.]
booby entry
Wanna share something interesting from a book i read. It's a pretty hilarious book due to the intelligent use of words by the author, yet at the same time touches some serious issues.
But this extract touches the topic of boobs or breasts or however else u like to call them.
' My theory was that if you had breasts, boys wanted to have sex with you,which wasn't exactly a big compliment, since they wanted to have sex anyway. Whereas if you had a beautiful face, boys fell in love with you, which seemed to happen almost against their will. Then the sex that you had would be about love.
......... I'd concluded that breasts were to sex what pillows were to sleep. "Guys might think they want a pillow, but they'll sleep just as well without one."
Guys will sleep anywhere if they're really tired. 'And i TOTALLY agree!! Esp with the analogy of breasts were to sex what pillows were to sleep. So true...Guys would never be satisfied with whatever the size of the boobs.
See what i mean? I really wonder what about the two lumps of fats (scientifically speaking) that guys are soooo fasinated by! -_^ -->ok, meant it to look like that one eyebrow raising emoticon on MSN. But failed desperately!But no..really. There's even this new song by ThePussyCatDolls with Will.I.Am titled 'Beep', where part of the lyrics go like this:' It's funny how a man only thinks about the...You got a real big heart, but I'm looking your...You got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your... 'Replace the ... at the end of each sentence to that 'beeep' sound which the media uses to cover censored words. Putting the whole image together, dont u think it's one interesting song? haha.. But u gotta listen to it man! Try listening to 987fm on fri at 8pm..Cos i think they're on the Top10 songs of the week..Worth the waitGoing back to the lyrics, it's once again sooo true aint it? If a girl wears a low-cut blouse, a good 80% of the guys she talks to that day would be glancing at her *beep* every few minutes! Guys!! What's your problem man? Do u see us girls looking at YOUR *beep* all the time?!?!Then again, the sentence 'Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...' is kinda true too. Unless looking turns to action which turns to rape. Then there IS a problem there. Well, in reply to the lyrics above,the PussyCatDolls goes: 'I don't give a...Keep looking at my...'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my... I'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha 'Yah,once again replace all the ... with the 'beep' sound. K, so my point of putting this down is that there are girls who DONT mind guys looking at their *beep* as long as those guys know their limits. But when things go wrong, who's to blame?Some would proclaim that it's the girl's fault for dressing-to-seduce. But then again she didnt exactly put a big note across her chest in big fonts saying " Come grabs my boobs" or stuff along those lines. So in my opinion, i believe that if a girl wanna show off her assets (be it front or back), she's free to do so but bearing in mind that pervertic looks from guys come along with that style of dressing. However if guys go from looking to trying to touch, then SCREAM!! Cos they dont have the right to do that. I suppose that though the girl was kinda of the initiater of that 'start-of-sexual-feeling' in the guys, she did not verbally ASK the guy to touch her. THEREFORE, the guy is crossing the borders and HE is at fault for not being able to CONTROL his impulses. YEs..key word here is CONTROL. It's like let's say you see tons of diamonds/cash laid out in the window display of a shop. It sure is beautiful. Seeing it is alright. Staring kinda makes u look stupid. But to actually go in and TAKE some of the diamonds/cash away is going across the line. So here's where 'self-control' comes in. You may like something but that doesnt give you the right to touch or even own it. Yup, tts my view on this. See BUT no touch. Even if the girl dresses like this :
hehe.. last comic to share before i end
How true how true (holds soo much truth in it just like the rest of my entry ya )!!;p
Bus fare paid by bags
When you get up a bus and see tons of people putting their bags on the seat beside them instead of letting another human enjoy the comfort, I sometimes cant help but wonder, 'How much did that bag pay to get on the bus? Lucky son of a bag to get tt seat instead of me man! Dang!!'
Calendar's MOST over-rated date-->Feb 14th
In 2 days' time, it's gonna be one of calendar's MOST over-rated dates.Yup, February 14th! My dad used to tell me when i was younger that all this feb. 14th, Valentine's Day thing, was just a load of bull crap and gimmicks used by the commercial world to make more fast cash.Then, i thought he had to be the world's most un-romantic guy in the universe! And wondered why mummy married him.But now, fast approaching 21yrs old (*shit! haven found a venue for my party!!*), i HAVE to agree that what he said is down right true!!The WHOLE thing IS indeed blown out of proportion these days. AND its rating is increasing yearly on the 'Simply Ridiculous' scale, of which 10 is the highest.No, really. IM NOT being sour-grapey just because im single and thus have no one to splurge their money on me. But honestly, just walk into ANY shopping centres later/tmr, and you'll see tons of advertisments in about EVERY shop in the complex promoting some kind of V-Day package or what nots..The promotions are fine..but have you seen the prices for some of them?!?! Simply utterly out-of-this-world!!!I mean bouquets of flowers(roses in particular) are going like more than $50! Or even more than $300 (gosh!the madness) for those huge kinds!!AND PEOPLE ARE STILL WILLING TO SPEND THAT KIND OF MONEY!!!Tell me it's not madness! If my bf (of cos here, im referring to my FUTURE bf) ever spends that kind of money on FLOWERS(!!), he'll never hear the end of it! Imagine THREE-FREAKING-HUNDRED-DOLLARS spent on something that will self-destroy itself within 2weeks!! k, the most give you 1month! What a waste of money!!
What?!? So giving 99 flowers or whatever the magical number, is to prove that your love for her is ever-lasting?! Please la.. If u're really sincere, go plant those roses months before V-day then! Buy from shop who aso can do. -->totally bad english going on there...But just wanna prove my point.To self: Wow..This blogging thing sure is a good outlet to say what i think! If only i can make money out of it like Xiaxue!! ;D---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well, if u have a date coming tuesday, have fun! Girls, try not to let him get in your pants! Unless, of cos, tts what you want. Guys, if you manage to get in her pants,make the most of it! ENJOY!For those who dont, worry not..It's not the end of the world. Really..Go enjoy with your friends cos it's FRIENDSHIP DAY ...or at least tts what the gift shops/choc. shops/flower shops want the population to believe~~
Jigsaw puzzle
[Currently facing some problems with photobucket..Blogger doesnt seem to accept the code or something!! ggrrr...just when i got in the mood of photo-blogging! See what i meant in the previous entry?! So i guess u gotta click on the link to see the pix. Sorry peeps..]_________________________________________________So how was your Lunar New Year holiday? Good? Had a good rest? If you did, good for u! If not,i hope you have collected enough off days to go on block leave.You know the thing with being of mixed parentage is that you more or less get involved in at least 2 national holidays! Yah, though it sounds good..It isnt that big a deal actually. At least not for me.Instead of getting all my 'packet-ed' money on just 1 festival eg. Chinese New Year (if i were to be pure chinese), i get mine on 2..Hari Raya as well as CNY.
BUT ...and tts a huge BUT it does not neccesarily mean tt the amount of money i collect in all adds up to a bigger amt than if i were to celebrate just one festival. Though there are its plus points, like how im somehow involved in everything. [Added recently to the list of festivals, i celebrate Christmas too..Or rather am somehow involved cos of my sister-in-law! Cool eh?hehe..] Yah as i was saying, though there are the up-side to things..i somehow have felt 'lost' since young.It's like an in-between of everything. I cant say im Chinese cos im not..And i cant say im Indian too...Cos im not. I DUN look like either races. And thus ppl from either races don't really classify me as their 'own type'. It's kinda sad know!There's more feelings to where that came from, but i'll just save it till another time. Cos most likely one cant understand how i feel exactly if one isnt really from mixed parentage too. ANYWAY..So over the long CNY holiday weekend, besides visiting my mum's side of the family (which took only 1day!short and sweet!), i managed to complete something.Referring back to a past entry, this is how my half-completed work looked like on 24/10/2004: after about 1yr3months, the completed work!! Lo and behold! (i only touched it off and on since 2004..adding a few pieces at a time! tts why the long duration.) hard work!! Now it's all nice and framed up. Waiting for the day when i'll bother to hang it up on the way.hmmm...Actually wanted to share some of the pictures taken during the past few days. But there seems to be a problem with my photobucket. Will try again another time.tata for now!!
Nothing to type about
Everytime i have something in mind to blog about, blogger doesnt allow me to enter. And at times like this when im just too lazy to upload pictures or type,tadaa, im here.Past few days have been super packed! Will update about them hopefully tmr! With some pix too (tt is if im not too lazy to upload them! =D )[postnote: Fast eh? January 2006 is over! Lunar New Year is over too!! Next public holiday only in APRIL!! tts like dog years away! ]