booby entry
Wanna share something interesting from a book i read. It's a pretty hilarious book due to the intelligent use of words by the author, yet at the same time touches some serious issues.
But this extract touches the topic of boobs or breasts or however else u like to call them.
' My theory was that if you had breasts, boys wanted to have sex with you,which wasn't exactly a big compliment, since they wanted to have sex anyway. Whereas if you had a beautiful face, boys fell in love with you, which seemed to happen almost against their will. Then the sex that you had would be about love.
......... I'd concluded that breasts were to sex what pillows were to sleep. "Guys might think they want a pillow, but they'll sleep just as well without one."
Guys will sleep anywhere if they're really tired. '
And i TOTALLY agree!! Esp with the analogy of breasts were to sex what pillows were to sleep. So true...
Guys would never be satisfied with whatever the size of the boobs.

See what i mean? I really wonder what about the two lumps of fats (scientifically speaking) that guys are soooo fasinated by!
-_^ -->ok, meant it to look like that one eyebrow raising emoticon on MSN. But failed desperately!
But no..really. There's even this new song by ThePussyCatDolls with Will.I.Am titled 'Beep', where part of the lyrics go like this:
' It's funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but I'm looking your...
You got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...
Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your... '
Replace the ... at the end of each sentence to that 'beeep' sound which the media uses to cover censored words. Putting the whole image together, dont u think it's one interesting song? haha.. But u gotta listen to it man! Try listening to 987fm on fri at 8pm..Cos i think they're on the Top10 songs of the week..Worth the wait
Going back to the lyrics, it's once again sooo true aint it? If a girl wears a low-cut blouse, a good 80% of the guys she talks to that day would be glancing at her *beep* every few minutes! Guys!! What's your problem man? Do u see us girls looking at YOUR *beep* all the time?!?!
Then again, the sentence 'Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...' is kinda true too. Unless looking turns to action which turns to rape. Then there IS a problem there.
Well, in reply to the lyrics above,the PussyCatDolls goes: '
I don't give a...
Keep looking at my...
'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...
I'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha '
Yah,once again replace all the ... with the 'beep' sound.
K, so my point of putting this down is that there are girls who DONT mind guys looking at their *beep* as long as those guys know their limits.
But when things go wrong, who's to blame?
Some would proclaim that it's the girl's fault for dressing-to-seduce. But then again she didnt exactly put a big note across her chest in big fonts saying " Come grabs my boobs" or stuff along those lines.
So in my opinion, i believe that if a girl wanna show off her assets (be it front or back), she's free to do so but bearing in mind that pervertic looks from guys come along with that style of dressing. However if guys go from looking to trying to touch, then SCREAM!! Cos they dont have the right to do that.
I suppose that though the girl was kinda of the initiater of that 'start-of-sexual-feeling' in the guys, she did not verbally ASK the guy to touch her. THEREFORE, the guy is crossing the borders and HE is at fault for not being able to CONTROL his impulses. YEs..key word here is CONTROL.
It's like let's say you see tons of diamonds/cash laid out in the window display of a shop. It sure is beautiful. Seeing it is alright. Staring kinda makes u look stupid. But to actually go in and TAKE some of the diamonds/cash away is going across the line. So here's where 'self-control' comes in. You may like something but that doesnt give you the right to touch or even own it.
Yup, tts my view on this. See BUT no touch. Even if the girl dresses like this :

hehe.. last comic to share before i end

How true how true (holds soo much truth in it just like the rest of my entry ya )!!
But this extract touches the topic of boobs or breasts or however else u like to call them.
' My theory was that if you had breasts, boys wanted to have sex with you,which wasn't exactly a big compliment, since they wanted to have sex anyway. Whereas if you had a beautiful face, boys fell in love with you, which seemed to happen almost against their will. Then the sex that you had would be about love.
......... I'd concluded that breasts were to sex what pillows were to sleep. "Guys might think they want a pillow, but they'll sleep just as well without one."
Guys will sleep anywhere if they're really tired. '
And i TOTALLY agree!! Esp with the analogy of breasts were to sex what pillows were to sleep. So true...
Guys would never be satisfied with whatever the size of the boobs.

See what i mean? I really wonder what about the two lumps of fats (scientifically speaking) that guys are soooo fasinated by!
-_^ -->ok, meant it to look like that one eyebrow raising emoticon on MSN. But failed desperately!
But no..really. There's even this new song by ThePussyCatDolls with Will.I.Am titled 'Beep', where part of the lyrics go like this:
' It's funny how a man only thinks about the...
You got a real big heart, but I'm looking your...
You got real big brains, but I'm looking at your...
Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your... '
Replace the ... at the end of each sentence to that 'beeep' sound which the media uses to cover censored words. Putting the whole image together, dont u think it's one interesting song? haha.. But u gotta listen to it man! Try listening to 987fm on fri at 8pm..Cos i think they're on the Top10 songs of the week..Worth the wait
Going back to the lyrics, it's once again sooo true aint it? If a girl wears a low-cut blouse, a good 80% of the guys she talks to that day would be glancing at her *beep* every few minutes! Guys!! What's your problem man? Do u see us girls looking at YOUR *beep* all the time?!?!
Then again, the sentence 'Girl, there ain't no pain in me looking at your...' is kinda true too. Unless looking turns to action which turns to rape. Then there IS a problem there.
Well, in reply to the lyrics above,the PussyCatDolls goes: '
I don't give a...
Keep looking at my...
'Cause it don't mean a thing if you're looking at my...
I'm a do my thing while you're playing with your...
Ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha-ha '
Yah,once again replace all the ... with the 'beep' sound.
K, so my point of putting this down is that there are girls who DONT mind guys looking at their *beep* as long as those guys know their limits.
But when things go wrong, who's to blame?
Some would proclaim that it's the girl's fault for dressing-to-seduce. But then again she didnt exactly put a big note across her chest in big fonts saying " Come grabs my boobs" or stuff along those lines.
So in my opinion, i believe that if a girl wanna show off her assets (be it front or back), she's free to do so but bearing in mind that pervertic looks from guys come along with that style of dressing. However if guys go from looking to trying to touch, then SCREAM!! Cos they dont have the right to do that.
I suppose that though the girl was kinda of the initiater of that 'start-of-sexual-feeling' in the guys, she did not verbally ASK the guy to touch her. THEREFORE, the guy is crossing the borders and HE is at fault for not being able to CONTROL his impulses. YEs..key word here is CONTROL.
It's like let's say you see tons of diamonds/cash laid out in the window display of a shop. It sure is beautiful. Seeing it is alright. Staring kinda makes u look stupid. But to actually go in and TAKE some of the diamonds/cash away is going across the line. So here's where 'self-control' comes in. You may like something but that doesnt give you the right to touch or even own it.
Yup, tts my view on this. See BUT no touch. Even if the girl dresses like this :

hehe.. last comic to share before i end

How true how true (holds soo much truth in it just like the rest of my entry ya )!!
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