Calendar's MOST over-rated date-->Feb 14th
In 2 days' time, it's gonna be one of calendar's MOST over-rated dates.
Yup, February 14th!
My dad used to tell me when i was younger that all this feb. 14th, Valentine's Day thing, was just a load of bull crap and gimmicks used by the commercial world to make more fast cash.
Then, i thought he had to be the world's most un-romantic guy in the universe! And wondered why mummy married him.
But now, fast approaching 21yrs old (*shit! haven found a venue for my party!!*), i HAVE to agree that what he said is down right true!!
The WHOLE thing IS indeed blown out of proportion these days. AND its rating is increasing yearly on the 'Simply Ridiculous' scale, of which 10 is the highest.
No, really. IM NOT being sour-grapey just because im single and thus have no one to splurge their money on me. But honestly, just walk into ANY shopping centres later/tmr, and you'll see tons of advertisments in about EVERY shop in the complex promoting some kind of V-Day package or what nots..
The promotions are fine..but have you seen the prices for some of them?!?! Simply utterly out-of-this-world!!!
I mean bouquets of flowers(roses in particular) are going like more than $50! Or even more than $300 (gosh!the madness) for those huge kinds!!
Tell me it's not madness! If my bf (of cos here, im referring to my FUTURE bf) ever spends that kind of money on FLOWERS(!!), he'll never hear the end of it!
Imagine THREE-FREAKING-HUNDRED-DOLLARS spent on something that will self-destroy itself within 2weeks!! k, the most give you 1month! What a waste of money!!

What?!? So giving 99 flowers or whatever the magical number, is to prove that your love for her is ever-lasting?! Please la.. If u're really sincere, go plant those roses months before V-day then! Buy from shop who aso can do. -->totally bad english going on there...But just wanna prove my point.
To self: Wow..This blogging thing sure is a good outlet to say what i think! If only i can make money out of it like Xiaxue!! ;D
Well, if u have a date coming tuesday, have fun! Girls, try not to let him get in your pants! Unless, of cos, tts what you want. Guys, if you manage to get in her pants,make the most of it! ENJOY!
For those who dont, worry not..It's not the end of the world. Really..Go enjoy with your friends cos it's FRIENDSHIP DAY ...or at least tts what the gift shops/choc. shops/flower shops want the population to believe~~
Yup, February 14th!
My dad used to tell me when i was younger that all this feb. 14th, Valentine's Day thing, was just a load of bull crap and gimmicks used by the commercial world to make more fast cash.
Then, i thought he had to be the world's most un-romantic guy in the universe! And wondered why mummy married him.
But now, fast approaching 21yrs old (*shit! haven found a venue for my party!!*), i HAVE to agree that what he said is down right true!!
The WHOLE thing IS indeed blown out of proportion these days. AND its rating is increasing yearly on the 'Simply Ridiculous' scale, of which 10 is the highest.
No, really. IM NOT being sour-grapey just because im single and thus have no one to splurge their money on me. But honestly, just walk into ANY shopping centres later/tmr, and you'll see tons of advertisments in about EVERY shop in the complex promoting some kind of V-Day package or what nots..
The promotions are fine..but have you seen the prices for some of them?!?! Simply utterly out-of-this-world!!!
I mean bouquets of flowers(roses in particular) are going like more than $50! Or even more than $300 (gosh!the madness) for those huge kinds!!
Tell me it's not madness! If my bf (of cos here, im referring to my FUTURE bf) ever spends that kind of money on FLOWERS(!!), he'll never hear the end of it!
Imagine THREE-FREAKING-HUNDRED-DOLLARS spent on something that will self-destroy itself within 2weeks!! k, the most give you 1month! What a waste of money!!

What?!? So giving 99 flowers or whatever the magical number, is to prove that your love for her is ever-lasting?! Please la.. If u're really sincere, go plant those roses months before V-day then! Buy from shop who aso can do. -->totally bad english going on there...But just wanna prove my point.
To self: Wow..This blogging thing sure is a good outlet to say what i think! If only i can make money out of it like Xiaxue!! ;D
Well, if u have a date coming tuesday, have fun! Girls, try not to let him get in your pants! Unless, of cos, tts what you want. Guys, if you manage to get in her pants,make the most of it! ENJOY!
For those who dont, worry not..It's not the end of the world. Really..Go enjoy with your friends cos it's FRIENDSHIP DAY ...or at least tts what the gift shops/choc. shops/flower shops want the population to believe~~

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