Xmas post
How shld I start this entry? hmmm
Past few days have been great fun!! Still in the christmasy-holiday mode.. And with 2006 just peaking at the corner!! Oooo..i Cant WaIt!!! -wriggles-
The way im feeling now is totally the opposite of how i felt 2 years back--when i lost my hp and the whole issue following that. Spoilt my mood for any celebrations.
And then there was 2004 going into 2005. Didnt feel anything special tt year too. Was of cos in a better mood compared to the previous. But i liked the way i spent tt NYE.
Wasnt any big hoohaa..just a nice little meal with 2 good friends. Basically crap-talked our way into 2005.
This year, once again have no plans yet. Wondering to stay home or go out... hmm, nvm. There's 2 more days to think something up. => probably just wanna hang out with some close friends or family or something...we'll see...
k, so now let's go back to the past week.

Me and bro went to a Turkish place. The cup u see above contains Turkish Coffee. It's supposedly veryyyyyyy bitter coffee,thus explaining the cup of water next to it.
Me mean bro wanted to see me suffer drinking tt. Unfortunately for him, i can tahan bitter coffee. Does tt mean i have to chi ku ( go through hardship) alot in life??? So anyway i ended up enjoying the coffee! heheh...
Next big day after tt was the little christmas gathering with the gang. Was fun fun fun!! Despite the small numbers, I had a super duper great time! The movie marathon part was fun too..even though all (eXCEPT ash!!) fell asleep at some point or another. + words of denial from jo (everything ans aso 'No' =S ) I actually enjoyed myself! Hope u guys did too!! Love the popcorn, chips and sparkling juice!!
Well, the feast continued the next day (Christmas Day itself) at my sister-in-law's place. Gosh, the food was *mama mia* !!! Lips-smacking delicious i tell u!! Cakes(log cake, chocolate cake, normal cake..all sorts man!), cookies, brownies, tarts, apple pie, icecream, tt fruit cocktail thingy and soooooooooooo much more!! Mind you, tts LUNCH only!! Actually tts the desert part for lunch la..Main course was steamboat.
** pssst psstt : helping out in the kitchen has its advantages! **
Was feasting and helping out for 'lunch' till abt 4pm. Then i became toooo tired from lack of sleep. So went upstairs to take a nap! heheh...Drifted in and out of sleep for abt 2hrs. Somehow ended up more tired and lethagic! But washed up and went down to help out with dinner stuff.
Dinner saw friends of the family. More crowd and even GREATER FOOD!!!! woooohooooo!!! Was still bloated then, so only took certain stuff to eat. The Good Stuff. Wasted la..was tooo damn full to eat any turkey or pie.. (Still regretting now!)
Anyway i left with parents ard 8+pm while sis n bro stayed there for the night. Was tooo tired (and bloated) to be a good guest so decided to go hm and sleep properly instead.
Had a tremendous time (though wishing now tt i didnt eat tt much) with both my gang and family this christmas. Have to say this is the BEST xmas yet!! Of cos not forgetting the presents received! Love love love all of them!! And of cos in return, i did spend quite a bit on presents this year too. But nvm, all spent was worth the while.

Some of the gifts for family and the blue one infront for crappygang's gift exchange.

I love my wrapping for this gift hamper the best! Decided to put together my own hamper this year. Nice right??
Anyway next thing to look foward is TMR!! Meeting the gang for a pre-new year's eve gathering. More ppl gonna come for this one i hope. Cant wait. Just love hanging out with those girls! Always full of nonsense!!
Cant wait cant wait!! -wriggles-
Past few days have been great fun!! Still in the christmasy-holiday mode.. And with 2006 just peaking at the corner!! Oooo..i Cant WaIt!!! -wriggles-
The way im feeling now is totally the opposite of how i felt 2 years back--when i lost my hp and the whole issue following that. Spoilt my mood for any celebrations.
And then there was 2004 going into 2005. Didnt feel anything special tt year too. Was of cos in a better mood compared to the previous. But i liked the way i spent tt NYE.
Wasnt any big hoohaa..just a nice little meal with 2 good friends. Basically crap-talked our way into 2005.
This year, once again have no plans yet. Wondering to stay home or go out... hmm, nvm. There's 2 more days to think something up. => probably just wanna hang out with some close friends or family or something...we'll see...
k, so now let's go back to the past week.

Me and bro went to a Turkish place. The cup u see above contains Turkish Coffee. It's supposedly veryyyyyyy bitter coffee,thus explaining the cup of water next to it.
Me mean bro wanted to see me suffer drinking tt. Unfortunately for him, i can tahan bitter coffee. Does tt mean i have to chi ku ( go through hardship) alot in life??? So anyway i ended up enjoying the coffee! heheh...
Next big day after tt was the little christmas gathering with the gang. Was fun fun fun!! Despite the small numbers, I had a super duper great time! The movie marathon part was fun too..even though all (eXCEPT ash!!) fell asleep at some point or another. + words of denial from jo (everything ans aso 'No' =S ) I actually enjoyed myself! Hope u guys did too!! Love the popcorn, chips and sparkling juice!!
Well, the feast continued the next day (Christmas Day itself) at my sister-in-law's place. Gosh, the food was *mama mia* !!! Lips-smacking delicious i tell u!! Cakes(log cake, chocolate cake, normal cake..all sorts man!), cookies, brownies, tarts, apple pie, icecream, tt fruit cocktail thingy and soooooooooooo much more!! Mind you, tts LUNCH only!! Actually tts the desert part for lunch la..Main course was steamboat.
** pssst psstt : helping out in the kitchen has its advantages! **
Was feasting and helping out for 'lunch' till abt 4pm. Then i became toooo tired from lack of sleep. So went upstairs to take a nap! heheh...Drifted in and out of sleep for abt 2hrs. Somehow ended up more tired and lethagic! But washed up and went down to help out with dinner stuff.
Dinner saw friends of the family. More crowd and even GREATER FOOD!!!! woooohooooo!!! Was still bloated then, so only took certain stuff to eat. The Good Stuff. Wasted la..was tooo damn full to eat any turkey or pie.. (Still regretting now!)
Anyway i left with parents ard 8+pm while sis n bro stayed there for the night. Was tooo tired (and bloated) to be a good guest so decided to go hm and sleep properly instead.
Had a tremendous time (though wishing now tt i didnt eat tt much) with both my gang and family this christmas. Have to say this is the BEST xmas yet!! Of cos not forgetting the presents received! Love love love all of them!! And of cos in return, i did spend quite a bit on presents this year too. But nvm, all spent was worth the while.

Some of the gifts for family and the blue one infront for crappygang's gift exchange.

I love my wrapping for this gift hamper the best! Decided to put together my own hamper this year. Nice right??
Anyway next thing to look foward is TMR!! Meeting the gang for a pre-new year's eve gathering. More ppl gonna come for this one i hope. Cant wait. Just love hanging out with those girls! Always full of nonsense!!
Cant wait cant wait!! -wriggles-
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