Camp + Rondeau XX
It's abt 15days since i last updated. Not the longest but long enough. :p
So what have i been up to?
Well, with the intention of blogging abt my activities, i did managed to take a few photos here and there.
Let's see.. After the last entry, i had a camp during tt weekend. It's an end-of-the-year camp for the primary school kids.
Gosh...those little Energizer batteries! Every minute moving around! Just to give a rough idea, there were abt 50kids with supposedly 8 leaders. But some leaders were NOt even doing their job! Bleah to their attitude man!!
Anyhoos, some of the activities included rock climbing (which i was too busily involved so no pix! =D i LOVE the sport!! Managed to complete the walls..something which i cldnt in sec2!!! ohh ohh!! and i learned how to be the one pulling the ropes at the bottom! belay [or however u spell tt..hehe]), fencing and a short drive through Orchard Road to see the Christmas lightings. Pretty disappointing in my opinion.

k,first one is the big tree outside Paragon. Seems like tts all they put up every year! -_-
And of all places to get stuck in the jam, the bus stopped at a place where there were no major decorations. So those 2 were the only clear stuff i managed to get. Bearing in mind the fact tt the irritating kid beside me kept asking me to see his 'card tricks' (was humouring him b4 reaching the place..His reactions were so bloody retarted..Cld see all the 'tricks' he was trying to do! kids~ )
Moving on, we had fencing the next morning. Left hand had 3 blisters from all the belaying (still dunno how to spell tt word) so didnt try fencing. Was tooo damn tired also.

Cute arent they?! hahaha...Look like one of the comic character. All soooo short with red helmets! Then the way the little kids (K2s) fence damn funny!!
They dun even block their opponent from attacking! They will just walk foward with the sword in position and then whose sword touch the other person first will score!! Was laughing sooo much tt i nearly fell of the little bench! hahaha..damn funny la!
So after fencing, we went to Swensons at the Airport to eat. Was feaking tensed tt few hours i tell u!! Cos i was in-charged of the baby group (K2s and P1s), i had to make sure they dun somehow disappear. And the thing with little ones is tt they cant keep still. So there were quite a few times i wished i were an octopus so i can hold on to all of them!
After lunch,dead tired. But still had to humour them. One of the girls in my group super clingy! HAVE to hold my hand every minute. Let go awhile she will get scared. So whole time she was like hanging off me. Hugging me ah..holding my hand..

There. The girl on the left. Dont get fooled by tt innocent face ah!! The other girl still not too bad. Once again, kids~
k, so after tt camp (which overall wasnt too bad la.) had to take 2 days to regain energy plus with all the band practices, didnt have time to update.
And then there was the actual Rondeau XX performance on saturday (26/11/05). This time, was mainly helping them out for a few songs la. Very minor parts (in my opinion). But in music, every part, however minor is important. anyhoos, cld say tt because of that lack of stress, i did enjoy performing for this concert.
Besides the fun factor, i also made some cool new friends!

She is Seow Hwee. Wen Bing's friend. Also was asked to help out pretty last minute. Thanks gal for the little book-mark thing. Good luck for the last 2 papers!! =)

Li Hsien (year1) . Also a trombonist-turned-percussionist like me. haha..but heard she's going back to tbone next performance.
Well but still miss my usual 'Band Gang' (try saying tt fast 10 times! =D ) la! Still remember the stupid game we used to play before each performace? hhaha.. haizz, do u think we can do tt ever again?
This performance was also a chance to meet up with ppl i already knew too. [But due to the lack of a proper digital camera, was only able to take pix with my hp or collect frm those who asked me to take pix. Will only show 2 here la.]

This is Jay from my sec. sch band. Pix was taken slightly before the interval. Boy, i love backstage during performances! It's a mess of nerves, ppl getting dressed up and ppl wishing each other good luck before showtime! Just love the atmosphere. Maybe tts also the part of performing i so love. The conquering of nerves.

And this is WenBin. He's the one who called me back. A great great percussionist in my opinion. Well, this was taken after the concert, back in school. If not wrong, was ard 10.30+pm already. So all super tired from moving the instruments. My eyes were becoming red!
Hey dude, thanks for all the entertainment during the practices! Wld have been sooo boring otherwise. Am gonna miss ur stupid stories le! And hey,also thanks for the flower dear!
Another note of thanks is to Jasper for the miniature trombone display piece. Always wanted something like tt! =D hhehe..thanks sooo much!!
To end, thanks to everyone who had made tt day a great joy! Oh and to whoever who gave me any little presents here and there. Rock on people! Rock on...

Last thing..Who wanna watch with me??? [crappygang, wanna watch it at the *ahem* place?? dun wanna 'spoil market' by saying out here =p ] hehhe... Chicken Little!! Soo cute..
So what have i been up to?
Well, with the intention of blogging abt my activities, i did managed to take a few photos here and there.
Let's see.. After the last entry, i had a camp during tt weekend. It's an end-of-the-year camp for the primary school kids.
Gosh...those little Energizer batteries! Every minute moving around! Just to give a rough idea, there were abt 50kids with supposedly 8 leaders. But some leaders were NOt even doing their job! Bleah to their attitude man!!
Anyhoos, some of the activities included rock climbing (which i was too busily involved so no pix! =D i LOVE the sport!! Managed to complete the walls..something which i cldnt in sec2!!! ohh ohh!! and i learned how to be the one pulling the ropes at the bottom! belay [or however u spell tt..hehe]), fencing and a short drive through Orchard Road to see the Christmas lightings. Pretty disappointing in my opinion.

k,first one is the big tree outside Paragon. Seems like tts all they put up every year! -_-
And of all places to get stuck in the jam, the bus stopped at a place where there were no major decorations. So those 2 were the only clear stuff i managed to get. Bearing in mind the fact tt the irritating kid beside me kept asking me to see his 'card tricks' (was humouring him b4 reaching the place..His reactions were so bloody retarted..Cld see all the 'tricks' he was trying to do! kids~ )
Moving on, we had fencing the next morning. Left hand had 3 blisters from all the belaying (still dunno how to spell tt word) so didnt try fencing. Was tooo damn tired also.

Cute arent they?! hahaha...Look like one of the comic character. All soooo short with red helmets! Then the way the little kids (K2s) fence damn funny!!
They dun even block their opponent from attacking! They will just walk foward with the sword in position and then whose sword touch the other person first will score!! Was laughing sooo much tt i nearly fell of the little bench! hahaha..damn funny la!
So after fencing, we went to Swensons at the Airport to eat. Was feaking tensed tt few hours i tell u!! Cos i was in-charged of the baby group (K2s and P1s), i had to make sure they dun somehow disappear. And the thing with little ones is tt they cant keep still. So there were quite a few times i wished i were an octopus so i can hold on to all of them!
After lunch,dead tired. But still had to humour them. One of the girls in my group super clingy! HAVE to hold my hand every minute. Let go awhile she will get scared. So whole time she was like hanging off me. Hugging me ah..holding my hand..

There. The girl on the left. Dont get fooled by tt innocent face ah!! The other girl still not too bad. Once again, kids~
k, so after tt camp (which overall wasnt too bad la.) had to take 2 days to regain energy plus with all the band practices, didnt have time to update.
And then there was the actual Rondeau XX performance on saturday (26/11/05). This time, was mainly helping them out for a few songs la. Very minor parts (in my opinion). But in music, every part, however minor is important. anyhoos, cld say tt because of that lack of stress, i did enjoy performing for this concert.
Besides the fun factor, i also made some cool new friends!

She is Seow Hwee. Wen Bing's friend. Also was asked to help out pretty last minute. Thanks gal for the little book-mark thing. Good luck for the last 2 papers!! =)

Li Hsien (year1) . Also a trombonist-turned-percussionist like me. haha..but heard she's going back to tbone next performance.
Well but still miss my usual 'Band Gang' (try saying tt fast 10 times! =D ) la! Still remember the stupid game we used to play before each performace? hhaha.. haizz, do u think we can do tt ever again?
This performance was also a chance to meet up with ppl i already knew too. [But due to the lack of a proper digital camera, was only able to take pix with my hp or collect frm those who asked me to take pix. Will only show 2 here la.]

This is Jay from my sec. sch band. Pix was taken slightly before the interval. Boy, i love backstage during performances! It's a mess of nerves, ppl getting dressed up and ppl wishing each other good luck before showtime! Just love the atmosphere. Maybe tts also the part of performing i so love. The conquering of nerves.

And this is WenBin. He's the one who called me back. A great great percussionist in my opinion. Well, this was taken after the concert, back in school. If not wrong, was ard 10.30+pm already. So all super tired from moving the instruments. My eyes were becoming red!
Hey dude, thanks for all the entertainment during the practices! Wld have been sooo boring otherwise. Am gonna miss ur stupid stories le! And hey,also thanks for the flower dear!
Another note of thanks is to Jasper for the miniature trombone display piece. Always wanted something like tt! =D hhehe..thanks sooo much!!
To end, thanks to everyone who had made tt day a great joy! Oh and to whoever who gave me any little presents here and there. Rock on people! Rock on...

Last thing..Who wanna watch with me??? [crappygang, wanna watch it at the *ahem* place?? dun wanna 'spoil market' by saying out here =p ] hehhe... Chicken Little!! Soo cute..
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