Sunday, January 08, 2006

Band gathering

It's raining. It's pouring!!

Been raining all day!!!

-I LIKE!!-

Now this feels more like December!

Well, with all the holidays that just passed and 2 more which are coming, it sure doesnt feel like January. hehe..but once again, i LIKE!

Hmmm...Very quickly, the 1st week of 2006 is over. 51 more weeks till 2007? heheh..nope nope..let's just focus on 2006 for now.

Ohh, after having a bout of vomitting session on 1/1/06 and thus having to miss my sec sch gathering (arghhh), i thought i wld be cursed for this yr in regards to gatherings.

But i managed to be present at my sec sch band's gathering!! :D and am happy to say tt i actually enjoyed myself pretty much!
I mean honestly back then in sec sch, i was never much involved in band. I did go for practices and all la..But was never in the IN group. Guess i kinda put more time and dedication into SC instead.

So when i went for tt gathering tt day (i actually surprised myself by agreeing to go!) , i wasnt exactly expecting to enjoy much. Just to meet up,chat and get away. BUT i had a wild time!! Thanks for planning the outing, Farhan and Wendy!! Hope there's more to come. And maybe seeing more of the faces i have not seen since 2001!!

Alrighty, im gonna go slack a little now. Had a tough week. Gonna pamper myself now!! tata...ooh ohh, crappygang gathering tmr!! Cant wait as usual!!
Many gathering these days! but....i LIKE!

btw, HapPy 21st bIrThdaY Qiuyan!!!