I got a call this afternoon. And i have mixed feelings over it.
Band needed an extra pair of hands and therefore, IM GOING BACK FOR PRACTICES!!! wooohooo~!!!
Yea, tts how i really feel inside. After all i did wanna perform for Rondeau XX...initially.
I mean i still do now la (~abit~) least this way i DON'T have to PAY for the tickets!!
Come to think of it, it'll be like a second chance considering how my last concert was a flop all thanks to me being sick!
But somehow im just not feeling as happy as i thought i would be.
Maybe it has nothing to do with me going back. Maybe it's not even about band.
Maybe im feeling this way because just this morning (before the call), my actions were mistaken by someone very close. I hate being mistaken.
Sometimes when u do good for someone, esp for family members..they just dun seem appreciative of it. Or when u try to help someone to be a better person (like pointing out their mistake,kindly if i may add),tt person turns ard and bites u back!
Just like tt stuff people say.. " It's not easy being the good guy."
hmmm...have u ever wondered who does the 'people' refer to anyway? Bcos the 'people' sure seem to say a lot of stuff!
ah just feeling so bleh right now. It's like the only happiness bubble i get after a monotonous period of life so far has been burst.
Anyway cant wait to see u guys (u know who u are) on monday!! Maybe i'll be a happier person then.........................
Huge sightings @ Dempsey Road
!! I never knew such a home existed in Singapore !!
The other day during my driving lesson, I was driving along Dempsey Road. (Don't ask me why instructor decided to go there man! But the roads can get pretty challenging at times!)
So anyway, he made me stop alongside this super BIG land of property! No, then again big isnt accurate enough to describe the house (opps, i mean mansion!). More like HUGE!! Noo, make that ENORMOUS!! Really i tell you! No joke.
It's a damn bloody palace i tell you!!
Actually my instructor's sort of main aim was to let me see his car-showroom-like amount of cars he had in the DRIvEWAY!! Imagine..that fellow had a DRIVEWAY!!!! Mind you, it's not like those simple straight road leading to the main house tt kind of driveway! It's the freaking roundabout kind u see in movies ok!!
Oh yah, back to the cars. Get this.. In his parking lot, there were THREE red Ferrari. 1 LAMBORGHINI! And one more of which model i didnt catch but apprantly costing TWO million dollars plus!!!
WTF man!!!!
And while i was drooling over the beauty of the cars, my instructor kindly informed me tt the no. of cars i see at tt point of time (ard 3+pm on a weekday), was only a SMALL portion of the number of cars he had!
Then my instructor made me drive up a little more. -shock-
The front porch had this 3-storey high glass wall type of fountain. You know the type they have in hotels. Where the water flows frm the top of the wall down. I tell you, at tt point of time, I was practically amazed by the mere beauty of it. The massive plot of land! The humongous house! The great number of cars!
I didnt even know such a place existed in singapore!! A house of that size! Of that design! I mean really know..Think more along the glam and size of those kind of houses u see in movies. It's truly amazing.
Anyway during the rest of the lesson, i saw a handful more homes with similar hugeness. Who are these people man?!?!? Where in the world do they earn their money from?!! The size of their garden!!! Bigger than my bedroom!!! WTH la...
kk, due to the many distractions while typing this entry..time now is actually 2am. And im freaking tired. Will continue with my thoughts abt the place in the next entry.
Not exactly guilty i guess
Okay. I admit the previous entry was pretty much written in a moment of anger. She's not ALL that bad and mean. Just that sometimes, she DOES get to me. Glad i dun have to see her till tmr....k, dunno what else to blog abt now. Feeling very tired with a mild headache going on. Guess i shall end here. Stay tuned for an interesting fact abt WATER!(hmm..i smell cookies!!! yum yum~)
Who The Hell She Think She Is!?!?!
It's 11pm now and she hasn't called me yet!!! Who does she think she is!? What!? Think I dun have a life issit?!!Arghhh... Super bloody pissed right now!Everytime i go to her place, she has like a thousand and one things for me to do! u DO pay pretty well. But honestly, im getting a little short-fused of late with ur working attitude, mate! Im practically like her runner! Her THIRD maid! (yea,the woman has 2 maids in her household.) Why the hell does she treat me differently from how she treats her other helpers?Just because i dun come from a bloody JC? Is tt it? Just cos im a poly student and not from a top-notch or even bleh-ish JC? And What's the deal with JC kids being better or smarter than poly ones anyway?!? All a bunch of shit in my opinion! And just so you know, im MORE than worthy to enter JC with the grades i got man! But i CHOSE NOT to alright! [post note: Please do not take offense, dear friends who came from JC. Sorry.] Or maybe u're just being bias towards me just because im not overpouring with money like YOU! Or also unlike most of ur other helpers, i do not come frm a flithy rich family whose parents can afford to send their children to places like UK to further their studies yeah!! ( Who also coincidentally live on landed property or some high-end condo. ) Is THAT it then? That my dad may even be not rich enough to send me to aus to study? Is that why u treat me like lower-grade scump?!Or hey, maybe it's because i speak in my Singaporean accent without even noticing it? Ohh. Perhaps u prefer the posh British accent instead. Im sorry mdm, but i have been in this bloody country for the past 20 freaking years! Dun expect me to speak in the Queen's English ok! As it is, im already cutting down aLOTT on my lahs and lohs hor!!You're almost <------> close to me deciding not to work at ur centre anymore! U're just LUCKY to get me understand! To withstand all ur nonsense. All ur prima dona attitude. So quit hurrying me with ur photocopy work when u gave the whole thick freaking stack like few minutes ago. If the kid needs my attention tt f***ing moment, then DUN GIVE ME THE WORK TO PHOTOCOPY AT THE SAME TIME LAR!!I hate it when u ask ME to do stuff ur OTHER helpers can do. Simple. Stupid. Stuff! Always going,'Hasinah, can you go call in the kids?'or 'Hasinah, you mark these MCQ questions. Then the more difficult ones (comprehension) give ABC to mark.'or'Hasinah, can u make it quick with the photocopying? ChildB is getting to my nerves. (as if he doesnt get to mine! bleh~) I need you to sit with him and guide him. I got no patience for him.'So what now? Throwing me all ur problem kids?!? Kindly allowing me to build up my blood pressure while young issit? Thanks yea! And wtf abt me not being capable to mark SIMPLE PRIMARY sch comprehension questions?!?! It's not as if the answer sheet was not provided! Ok, so i may be new. I may not know your marking scheme or how strict u are with ur marking, but i NEED to start from somewhere right?! How will i ever know if u dun ever let me mark the compre.?!?ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*repeats to self*[Cool down girl...this is only a temp job...very soon, u wun have to bear her nonsense anymore. U wun have to go through the mental torture of teaching ChildB on thursdays anymore. U wun get headaches after his lesson anymore......] (0_O
Mysterious Blues
Can someone provide me with a logical scientific explaination as to how i got the blue-black mark as shown below?
Cos all i know was that i woke up with that horrible bruise after an hour's nap! Dun go saying that i hit something because unless pillows can cause that, im SURE i didnt hit anything. Weird thing is that, it doesnt hurt too!! =S(i know what u're thinking!! dun tell me...ahhhhhhhhh......!!! It's THAT THING isnt it!!??!)
TV shows and photos
Shiok!Yup! Shiok! That's the only way to describe watching Survivor: Guatemala WITHOUT any commercials. SHIOK SHIOK SHIOK AH!!!!Cos this way the flow of things doesnt get interuppted man! If only the 9am broadcast of The Amazing Race will be the same too! NO commercials! Haizz..IF only...yeah u can see, im a sucker for those two reality shows! Actually come to think of it, there's not many shows that can get me to wake up in the morning to catch it. Top of my head, only 3 fit the bill1) NBA Finals (MUST have Spurs playing!hehhe) 2) Whose line is it anyway?3) The Amazing RaceAnyhooz, today's episode of Survivor was kinda cool! With the mix up of the tribes and all.. And insight to Bobby Jon taking a SHOWER! heheh... :D (Jo!! *giggles) And poor steph. man! Seems like whichever tribe she's in always loses somehow! But i still support her totally! Hope the bad luck cloud above her will disappear soon! If not she's not gonna stay for long..Moving on from one show to another, was watching Oprah the other day and was overcame by a thought. That particular episode featured 3 normal suburban housewives undertaking the identity of criminals and getting put into highest sercurity jail to experience the life in jail for one day.The whole episode was pretty interesting. But one thing got me wondering. There was this woman who was sentenced to 50 years in jail (for first degree murder or something i think). She was 36 at the time of sentence. That means when she gets released, she's a freaking 86 year old GRANNY!!!And IF she survives till tt age and gets released, what kind of a life can she expect to live? I mean let's just say she got no family, no money, no house, no nothing. How is she gonna get her means for survival?!? WoRK!? At 86?? Death sentence might have been a much kinder sentence in my opinion! or rather Life Imprisonment.________________________________________________I wonder if it's from tt mosquito bite, but ive been down with runny nose since i cant remember when!(dad and ash says im just being paranoid~! how caring!) Sometimes it gets better a little..Then all of a sudden, ........aHHH CHOOO!! i get the stuffed up nose all over again! bleh~Red nose!!oooo, got the perfect pictures of red noses!! =DFirst up, Clown Eliza...
Eliza: The nose is dropping! The nose is dropping!!Next, Clown Jo....
Jo: Take already anot??
Jo: Yeah!And while im at it, here's some pix which were taken during the most recent crappygang outing.
Like tt the best! Very cute!Then we decided to do the ..errr, i know there's a word describing tt 3 actions.. Anyway, here's Take 1.
NG!! Cos some people couldnt decide which to cover! heheh..JK!Take 2!
NG!!! JoyCE ah!! cover properly leh..uurgghh..i give up!
*grinz* joking la guys! it was a fun outing..but still feel kinda weird with monica missing! haizz..missing u lots back here mon! Come back soon ya! :)(hmm..the background really does look kinda nice hor! as if we in some kind of posh club/pub! :p only that we're in the wrong clothes and the pix is a little too bright..)kk, im ending here. Time now is 12 midnight! Always cannot blog in peace! Full of interruptions! Took me abt 2hrs to do up a simple entry like this! Now u guys know why i dun blog and update often already right? hehhee..tata!! Have a great weekend people!!!!
Brain Sex
I meant for this entry to be one filled with photos and stuff. But things have been coming up ever since i switched on the computer around 4pm! And im NOT talking abt those irritating pop-ups..Therefore instead of a nice entry with beautiful photos, here's a link of an interesting site. I got it from a friend's site and have found the quiz pretty eye-opening! It tells the SEX of your brain!here's the link! Enjoy..