Christmas is long gone. New year celebrations are over. CHINESE new year is ending soon. The next holiday is far from sight..Life is busy busy busy. Reports after reports are being asked for. I still cant understand why they had to squeeze in soOOOOOO many things into jus 7 WEEKS!! What were they thinking?!?!? arghh..Anyway, fortunately for still hanging in there. Besides that terrible backpain im facing again! It's pure torture when i cant sit or stand or even lie down for long!!Dun ask me how i sleep at night. U dun wanna know.. Thankfully having him around
is making my life much better.. tee hee hee... doesnt he look soooOOOO cute in this pix? I absolutely loVEEE his outfit in Constantine! Simple yet smart-looking.Well..actually have nothing to type about.Oh u a cute pix of one of my mousey which i managed to capture earlier. Cutey bum..cant believe it actually sat sooo still and pose nicely for me to picture it!
Realised tt it's trying to act cute with that slight tilt of head. anyway tt's skinny poo chi..will try to get fatty poo chi to pose when have more time to stick it to the paper (fatty cant keep still).. kk..gtg train them to stand/walk on 2 legs.. [oohh..dun u tink tt he's cute too!!!........
Im a Sad case
*breathes in*........*sighzzzzzzz*I dont know how to start this entry. It's just that i realised that it's been a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnGG time since i last laughed. Im talking about those wholesome..right from the bottom of the heart kind of laughing. The kind that leaves you to tears and good memories after the whole thing. Im not sad. But im just not happy either. I wonder why.Maybe it's because there's alot of stuff on mind? Like what to do after graduation or how to come up with a super blow-away-the-examiner type of FYP presentation. Or family.Or maYBe it's not all that? I dunno.... Im okay. Really. Just tt somehow i need to get back my ability to laugh like last time!! in the mood for chilling out at Swing or Jazz @ South Bridge or Harry's Bar... But guess it's too late for that tonight.. So gotta make do with music frm my iTunes... ohhh, n staring into the eyes of my new found love
Happy Vday Keanu Darling.....[*wonder how many of u peeps just puked...tee hee hee]
Im so screwed
Here's a quick entry.
Went to watch midnight movie.
Darn cool moive!!! Go watch it!!!
Make sure stay till the end. After the credits n all..
Came home real late last night. (2+am)
Woke up early to work on report.
Dead tired now.
Gotta go aunt's house followed by grandma's house soon.
Yet to finish report!
Feel super dead meat now!!!!!!!
oooooohhhh nooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Happy CNY!!
HaPpY CNY to all!!! May u all get lots and lots of ang baos!!! [all 20 this year le..
not much longer before cannot collect ang bao le!!! sooo, jia you!!!!]
Considering that i got my 1st ang bao just barely 1hr after i woke up, im pretty
much in a good mood now. N nooooo, tt packet wasnt given to me by my MUM!!!
*mummy,if u seeing this...u are a meanie!! i wish u xing nian kuai le..give u oranges...still dun wan to give me my ang bao!!!act busy with filling my water bottle somemore! hmmphhh... hehe..but i still love you!!! :) *
That packet was actually given by my future father-in-law... eehhhh, wait... dun sound right.. the father of my brother's gf is my uncle-in-law?? wait....let me ask mummy....
SHE DUN WANNA REPLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhh.... now she acting
busy with finding for red packets!!!
never mind. ANyway, tt red packet came along with a sooooo very delicious cheesecake!!!! Man, my future sister-in-law sure can bake!!! MmmMM... yummy~!!
oohh, n the color of the DBS angbao is sooo nice!!! it's GOLD!!!!
so logically speaking, it's not called ang bao anymore..but the function is still the same!! heheh...
So here i am contented with a piece of cheesecake and my 1st ang bao
[hopefully more will come tmr when i go visit my grandma n aunty!!]'s the spoiler.... im now doing the report which is due friday! -_-
gotta finish it up by today so can enjoy tmr. 10 000 words leh~!!!!
wish me luck manz!!
hmmm....think i'll go bug me mummy now!
Xing nian kuai le to those celebrating again!!!! To those who's not, enjoy the long weekend!!!! (decides to conveniently forgot tt there's sch on friday)
Guess who's back? Back again.. I am back.. Tell your friends.. guess who's back
guess who's back guess who's back..(n fades away)
errrm, if u dun listen to the radio much u'll probably not understand the crap up there. It's a song by EMINEM!!! wooohooo~ love that guy! soo talented!!!
(will talk abt another talented guy later in this entry)
So ever since school started (i just came back frm attachment in case
u neecumpoots have deserted my blog n have not been reading),
i guess this blog has sort of been abandoned.
Yes yes..(nods head) ive been BUSY. ya know, that word is being toooooooo
over-used these days isnt it?!?
mum: girl (not tt she calls me tt ah), come help me clean these shelves..
New year's coming!
Me: cannot la~ me busy doing reportSSSS (emphasis on the plural form)
mum: tsktsk tsk...nowadays have children aso no usE! dont even help with the housework!! *grumble grumble*
yah...typical scenario!
So that's why im finally having a well-deserved 'break' from the week by printing lecture notes, typing the countless reports...wait... have to add that they are THOUSAND ++ words reports..
But lamenting aside..Any michael Jackson fans out there? Have u guys heard the trail he's in now? sighz... give tt guy a break manz!!! he's soooooo pitiful! Will any fellow who builds a ranch named after a fiction story do such a DESPICABLE thing!?!??! wat if he's really guilty.. tt 'victim' has cancer anyway! he's gonna die sooner or later what!! [ya lAR..i know im being irrational!] but why does it seem everyone's out for M.J's money??!?!? including that bitch-of- a-wife!! (ex-wife rather) 1 freaking mILLION dollars a year not enough for your buying of prada bags issit?!?!
haizz...It's always hard to be the good guy. n i tink im using the google search for the wrong purposes..gotta go back to typing those reports now! till next time.......