Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy CNY!!

HaPpY CNY to all!!! May u all get lots and lots of ang baos!!! [all 20 this year le..
not much longer before cannot collect ang bao le!!! sooo, jia you!!!!]

Considering that i got my 1st ang bao just barely 1hr after i woke up, im pretty
much in a good mood now. N nooooo, tt packet wasnt given to me by my MUM!!!

*mummy,if u seeing this...u are a meanie!! i wish u xing nian kuai le..give u oranges...still dun wan to give me my ang bao!!!act busy with filling my water bottle somemore! hmmphhh... hehe..but i still love you!!! :) *

That packet was actually given by my future father-in-law... eehhhh, wait... dun sound right.. the father of my brother's gf is my uncle-in-law?? wait....let me ask mummy....

SHE DUN WANNA REPLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahhh.... now she acting
busy with finding for red packets!!!

never mind. ANyway, tt red packet came along with a sooooo very delicious cheesecake!!!! Man, my future sister-in-law sure can bake!!! MmmMM... yummy~!!
oohh, n the color of the DBS angbao is sooo nice!!! it's GOLD!!!!
so logically speaking, it's not called ang bao anymore..but the function is still the same!! heheh...

So here i am contented with a piece of cheesecake and my 1st ang bao
[hopefully more will come tmr when i go visit my grandma n aunty!!]'s the spoiler.... im now doing the report which is due friday! -_-

gotta finish it up by today so can enjoy tmr. 10 000 words leh~!!!!
wish me luck manz!!

hmmm....think i'll go bug me mummy now!

Xing nian kuai le to those celebrating again!!!! To those who's not, enjoy the long weekend!!!! (decides to conveniently forgot tt there's sch on friday)