Sunday, January 09, 2005

wat to do??? constantly being troubled with a question. What am i to do after i graduate???
Work? Study? study WHERE???study WHAT????? arghhhh.....the endless questions!

Ya know,in times like this..i wish i were a guy. At least i would have tt 2years to tink abt wat to do. And if things get bad(study-wise), i can always sign on the army!! *tough is tough la..but think abt the amt of ka-chingggg u'll get wen yr contract is over!*

Which brings me back to the question NOT a guy, so that's NOT an OPTION. n no,im not tt crazy to go join the army as a GIRL! the inconvenience~! urrghh

So wad am i to do?

Digressing for a bit... Went for this MusikArt thingy earlier on..managed to catch only 1 band perform n tt was none other than SOUL'D OUT!!!!!!!!! wooohooo~!!!! they're only but the BEST BAND IN SPORE!!!
check out their webby:
[this has nothing to do with the fact tt they now have a link to my bloggy n might be checking it out this moment! lalalalala~]

me and sunil with the guys of soul'd out with their keyboardist n singers missing

So anyway, as usual they were darn darn darn good!! Sort of pleasing to hear them again after like sooo many months. I's like a feeling of returning back to
ur pri sch..hahaha..
while listening..i realised they each were soooooo pro in wad they played!

take ashraf(tallest in pix) for example, he plays the guitar machiam pro la <---as much as he doesnt want to admit
den reuel(guy on right holding Root Beer bottle)...wen u see his fingers work their way on his bass guitar, u wonder if they are actualli fingers anot!
saxophonist gerald(next to ashraf) is another act-shy-but-damn-pro person! hear him play..knees can go weak!
matt(singer not in pix) is FABULOUS!! the band's X-factor..seeing her groove to the music just makes u wanna get on ur feet too~

[all those praising still has NOTHING to do with the fact that they still might be reading this..lalalaaa]

hhmmm...digressing toooooo main point is...though i didnt mention everyone in tt band(they have SEVEN freaking ppl!!! wonder how they even coordinate sia) ,they all are good in wat they do. which leaves me to this question: What am I good at?


You know what? i tink i shld just go commit some fake robbery and then get thrown into jail. Good wat rite...Free food...Free shelter..No worries abt water bills and all..Dun even need to bother abt what retrenchment! hmmphh, there....
(shucks..den why the hell m i studying biotech now for wad?!?!?all those frewking hours of studying!!!)

nonono...cannot cannot.

k..i know!! i'll go join some nunnery!!after all i fit the bill PERFECTLY...
single and unwanted (not saying tt nuns are the latter).. yaahhhh..
mayb, thats God's plan for me.. he leaves me single and bleah~ looking so that i can go back n serve him!! yaHHHH...tts sooo right. Now it all fits..

Daa~ y didnt i realise it all along??