Tuesday, December 21, 2004


I feel freaky screwed up. In a nicer tone, i feel like crap now!

(but all thanks to the chocolate im eating now,things dun seem all tt bad..
but note tt effect is ONLY temperory!)

K,effect of choc. is gone! feeling like shit once again! y u might ask?
why hasinah,u lousy tweep, why are u feeling soo lousy?

Why?tts cos im overworked!! it's a wonder by itself that ive not broke down yet.
Life has been crazy since exams ended..That was 2 months ago. 2 months..
tons of things happened in the last 2 months~ haizz..

Let me entertain u ppl with a lil' peep into my life planned out for the next few days..

Wed: Work(slavery)/ Band pract(till a freaky 10+)-->includes meeting la~

Thur: Work (pure torture)/ Tbone sectionals (cos concert on monday..
need to practice practice practice!!) / Belated pay-treat-cum-Christmas dinner
with aunt-->die la!! how to go eat if got sect.??timing clash!!! D-I-EEE!!!!

Fri (christmas eve): Work (phew~half day!!)/ Belated birthday treat for buddy/ pot luck dinner at best friend's house

Sat (christmas day): Self practice in sch/ Christmas dinner @ future
sister-in-law's house (die again la~ still yet to buy gift 4 her)

n when u tink it's all over...

Sun: Christmas dinner with Crappy Gang

Mon: Rondeau XIX -->the cause of 60% of my torture for the past 2 months.

Tues: possible self proclaim break!!!!!

arghhh....there u go.. now u get what i mean don't u?
there's pratically no time to sleeP!!! Barely have been able to get my 8hr15mins
sleep which is CRITICAL to human health u know!!
really..it IS important to sleep for 8hr n 15mins..dun ask me why the 15mins... maybe it's cos u need tt 15 mins to fall asleep??

watever la~ im sooooo dead tired noW!! feels as if im hanging onto this
thin thread which is gonna snap any time soon.

Picture this, i have not seen my mum for 3days..Whenever im home(which is not much),she's at work..wen she gets hm,im asleep. Wen i go to work the next day,
she's asleep. So much for family bonding~!!

I dunno la..i just feel sooooo ...bLEAHHHH~ there's no word to describe..
it's like being pulled in soo many directions at the same time.
How much longer is this gonna continue? After the concert end things would be better u say? nooo..u're soo damn wrong.

Cos after the concert, it goes onnnnnN....No more band practices..
buttttt u have FYP!! ta daaa~ wat a joy!


Shall spare you happy beings from my tormented pathetic not-fit-to-be-mentioned life.
Excuse me while i go cut my wrist.