Saturday, November 13, 2004

You think you know..But you don't..

Haven been updating much recently..Guess im in the mood to explain why now.
Well firstly, i got my FIRST TWO ADs!!!! yups yups..big deal eh?
2 at a time..but the shitty thing is that it's NOT for core modules..
DARN~ but nonetheless, im still glad at seeing those 2 alphabets together!
For the remainding few, I guess i got wat i deserved. As they say,
'You reap what you sow' so yah. Kinda wish i did better, but wat the heck..
It's over~

Anyway the reason why i didnt blog properly for some time is because
there were some issues on hand..(or rather in heart).'s the 'F' word. . . . . . FRIENDSHIP.
Once in awhile such shit affects me greatly. Most of the time, i ignore it

cos i know that it's for the best. But this time i couldnt. They are one of my
best few pals. Yah.. THEY..not jus one..darn.. If only they knew that
they caused me great sadness and pure torture for 2 plus damn weeks!
But life throws such stuff at ya rite? So there i was,
for abt 2 weeks constantly with this expression on face.. wondering what in the world did I do wrong?!
Why the F*** am i being treated this way?!?! U sense the anger now don't u?
Well, i HAD ENOUGH. After 2 weeks of analysing..2 weeks of pondering..
2 weeks of self-reflection..2 BLOODY damn weeks of misery.
I had enough of their frequent PMS-y attitudes.
I had enough of their peek-a-boo-happiness moments.
I had enough of their just-to-entertain-you laughter!

At this point, i'll like to thank Ash for listening to me when i was
at my lowest low. Thanks for the help. Appreciate it alot.

Not to worry. Im much better now than i was weeks ago. Really.
Ive decided not to allow these 2 ppl to affect me anymore!!
Won't lie that im still wondering why im treated this way.. I know it cant be me.
Cos frankly, i NEVER did show these 2 attitude b4. hmm,den again for the
benefit of the doubt..bleh~

The period of being sad is over. No longer sad..Nope.
Just more of pissed now. Dun understand what did i do wrong.
Dun understand why the sight of me piss them off. Dun understand why at
times they can act as if nothing is wrong. Dun understand why other times they
treat me soo cold.
Just dun understand nomore.

Then u might say, maybe they're tired. But hell, you tink im nOT?!
with band practices on monday & wednesday nites, u tink IM nOT tired???
(no qualms abt practices though. With an instructor who's ohh-soo-cute, whos

But Im still trying. Im still putting in an effort. They're too precious to me..
They each hold a big part of my memory that im not willing to just let it go.
Not just like that. At least not until i can take it nomore!! For now, i'll learn to be
patient. I'll bear with it.

Though i just wish you 2 would realise the pain u have caused me.