Saturday, October 30, 2004


yap,im meaning the peeps frm crappie gang!!ya ya..i's only been 1 week since i last saw them(after the Proteomics paper). BUT after 1wk at NIE(which is my current place of torture) i absolutly appreciate the times i had in sch. Dun get me wrong. Somehow this new-found torture place havent got me loving the exam periods..yet.. ai yah anyway, cant believe only 1 week went leaves another 13 more weeks.. *arghhhhhhhh* pulls hair out!!

Being 'attached' wasnt as good as i thought. Basically have been doing.. errr, no wait.. it's basically HAVEN been doing much! they didnt have much stuff for me u see. Here's a peep into my journal which im keeping TOTALLY out of boredom..yesyes!! i even have time to write at 'work'..notice the ' '? cos i dun even call wat i did the past few days as W-O-R-K.

DATE: 25th Oct 2004
TIME: 12.30pm

It's 12.20pm now..Freaking hungry!! 1st day of attachment. Now left in a room all alone which is suPERRRR cold!!! Think my nose is going to fall off soon~ k, so im supposed to be reading a book entitled "advanced guide to hydroponics" through a bit le..haizz..bored..when's lunch?? arghhh...cold & hungry!!!!!! someone help me~~

yea, tt was how i spent my first 2 days of attachment! great isnt it? *pukes*
right,im getting paid for doing NOTHING..but do u know exactly how B-O-R-I-N-G that is?? time seem to crawl by..(hmmm,what's slower than crawl ah?)

n guess wad, even such a tortise-slow(pronounced as tor- tease) reader like me have completed 2 books in ONE WEEK!! mind you it's not those thin thin 50 pages fairy tale's TWO of the 300+ pages kind of paperback books.. tt basically sums up my 1st week at NIE.

but got hold of news today (yES..enough~ i HAD to work today!!) that i may be given work @ another lab where im allowed to do more 'mentally challenging' stuff like subculturing n DNA extraction.. *cant wait for that*

had enough of washing beakers n conical flasks n all those TSO work!!! ENOUGHHH~ if im going to do that for one more time, u guys can call me Maria..nono..Layla.. tts the maria equivalent name for a maid in the Lab. I mean like wad the hell?~?!?! studied like *censored* for 2 yrs+ n all i get to do now is WASH BEAKERS?!?! not tt i have anything against that la..but pls, im just keen on learning more rather den washing stuff which ANYBODY can do.. dun need tt cert Dip. in biotechnology to wash beakers u know..

anyway, i jus wanna end by saying how much i miss u guys..( joyce, monica, eliza,huiyi, pearlyn, ash n of cos jo)even though see jo almost everyday..still it's different wen in a grp n wen jus alone 2gether with her. I MISS U PEEPS!!!!!
there's no other word i can tink of now to describe how i feel.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JO!!! -->in advance for tmr..hehe...hope u enjoyed urself tt day.. including the special 'mix' we came up with. Never tekan u tt bad le..better appreciate it..

tts all for now..not feeling too good. became sick wen i was watering the plants in the greenhouse this morning~ yesyes, im now a Layla n aso Miss Hydroponics Woman! pbthhhh....