Sunday, October 10, 2004

To be or not to be....

arghh...y when everybody's else blogs seem alrite, mine is giving lots of trouble?!?! Anyway,decided to leave it as this for now..plain (*'s BORING plain) and simple...*falls asleep just looking at it* maybe i'll come up with something better during the IAP period..hmm..ponders..yea, tt might work..

Today was one of those sundays where i would wake up early (becos im forced to), and end up doing stuff that would get me thinking about stuff i wanna do in the future. Today, i went to the MARKET!! hahha.... firstly, this market i went to didnt stink as bad as i thought it would. phew~

Anyway, was looking at the vendors..Den once again that same thought went through my mind. What am i going to do after i graduate? Work? Study?

If work, den work as what? In a related field as to wat im studying?? See, soo many unanswered questions! Remember those little assays we had to write in primary sch..

Title: What i want to be when i grow up

Then here is the part where we would write ambitions where some of us would realise that we cant be anymore. Occupations like doctor, scientist, pilot blah blah blah....It all seemed sooo simple back then. It was as if whatever we said we wanted to be could happen..Now, the reality of shitty life comes in. YOU WONT ALWAYS GET WHAT U WANT! yea yea, sad rite..even though some may work their ass off towards their ambitions, not all will succeed.. cruelty of life hor..

Ya, so back to the part where i was looking at the vendors, den i realised... I WANNA BE MY OWN BOSS! I know i own boss can be difficult.. But wat gives better satisfaction than seeing ur own business flourishing and pospering?

So, i decided that im gonna work hard for the first 5 years or something for somebody den start up something on my own.. YES! *feels all motivated suddenly*

*looks at stack of notes to study* haiz..but for now, it's back to the books!! funny how when there's plenty of time on hand, i'll always waste it on stupid stuff like blogging for example! And then will start to rush revision for exams last minute and complain

"If give me one more day to study, sure can do better one~!" crap ah.....~!!! why will i never change this...hahhha...k, make today the i guess tt means this entry ends here. *hope u haven fell asleep due to the lack of C_O_L_O_R....there...something to wake u up! hhaha...