Tuesday, September 14, 2004


WoW!! one of those rare times that i can blog from hm!!! ahhh...veryy shocked now~!! o_0 haha..hope this manages to get posted! k, so here's the chance for me to spill my guts out..

firstly, sorry to those who had to see my black (*or rather blacker den usual) face for like the past week.. shit had been happening.. projects were piling up (and is sTILL piling~!!) n ppl are jus NOT doing their stuff!!! like wad the hell, if u wan yr bloody name on tt cover sheet of a report..pls freaking do something to justify yr worth to the grp can??? anyway, that project is done and over with..soO, tts one headache down.. somehow, i felt that after last week..for some reason, i jus cant take it wen ppl dun do their parts in project work~!! i mean if im gonna do like most of the stuff den dun dream of me putting yr name there too!! dunno y..but feeling kinda mean towards such ppl suddenly... but i guess that happens in the work force too (ppl living off others i mean..not of me being mean)

anyway, moving on..nowadays are pretty rough. Staying up late almost every night to rush reports (now writing 500+ words is like eating a piece of cake!) and waking up like 6am for sch.. been hell..nono, close to hell la..experienced worse before!! *wonders: ooohhhhh...so mayb tts y i get soo pissed off easily recently* but think shld be better in the coming weeks la.. work to be done can be compared to the twin towers sia~!!

n realised tt i neglected this blog for too long~!!! tink it's time for a change of skin.. but for now, mayb it's out of the story..but stay tune.. wonder y the pic of the gal playing bball at the top doesnt appear anymore..hmmmmmm...

k la..better not overload this entry. That's all for now folks! till the next time my computer cooperates with me or till wen i go to the lib...cheers~