spiderman (x2)..he does things noone can...
Watched spiderman2 today..yea yea..i know..this movie is soo old that i shld get fined talking abt it onli now...
n for the final time,Jo, Toby is NOT handsome at all!!!hmm,mayb he DOES have nice eye color..but other den that. NOPE..nothing nice..hahaha...but i do agree with u that she's gonna cheat on him.. :) i mean imagine this..
(in a warm, steamy rm...)
Spidey(breathless): higher, princess?
MJ: yeaH baby..almost ThErE now..hmmmm..yeS yeSS!!sToP STOPP!!
(Suddenly the sounds of police cars fill the quiet night. Duty calls for SPIDERMAN...he takes off...)
MJ(sighs): we'll never finish hanging this picture on that stupid wall if he keeps going off like this!!!
yeah,see wat i mean. He'll be sooo busy that i tink MJ will leave him sooner or later..
My take on the show: veryy nice..cool graphics..nice song tracks..shld get a better lead though..hehe..n mayb the lead actress shld be
hehhe..wonder how many ppl jus got WET (cos spill water wen see such a beautiful person appear) seeing that..hahah...she's soo HOT isnt it..wow,love her hair!!
here's another one..oppss..wadrobe malfunction..
hmm,think i better stop..if not sure get accused by u peeps for being lesbian!! im NOT!! im still very much into guys,thank you. hmm,talking abt guys..
u know those lifts they have in HDB flats nowadays..those kind with the sort of transparent thingy for part of the doors which allow ppl to see the outside..i totally HATE it man!! wads up with the government for installing those kind of lifts??like wat's soooo nice of seeing the cemented walls as u go up and down???n it totalli wipes u off of all privacy!!
i mean usualli(not tt i do that) ppl do all sort of stuff in lifts wen they're alone..like tighten their belt,pull up the bra strap,dig nose(eww)..have a quickie??(hehe..for those peeps staying in blks 30 stories high!)
but now,with these stupid kind of lifts..u cant do those stuff anymore! ppl can see wat u're doing..thats not all..wat's up with that stupid voice:
(press button..)
Voice(sickly sweet gal voice): doors closing...going up..
like hello..i dun need a stupid voice to tell me im going up! it was ME who pressed the 8thfloor button rite..of cos go up la..1st storey dun go up den can go where??? want also install those kind i say the floor i wanna go to den auto will bring to that floor..better rite??makes more sense aso correct..
Still dun understand the meaning of installing those kind..Not that it's much nicer too...no meaning no meaning...waste the PEOPLE's MONEY!! tsk tsk...
(walks away singing): spiderman,spiderman...he does things noone can..spiderman spiderman..........................
n for the final time,Jo, Toby is NOT handsome at all!!!hmm,mayb he DOES have nice eye color..but other den that. NOPE..nothing nice..hahaha...but i do agree with u that she's gonna cheat on him.. :) i mean imagine this..
(in a warm, steamy rm...)
Spidey(breathless): higher, princess?
MJ: yeaH baby..almost ThErE now..hmmmm..yeS yeSS!!sToP STOPP!!
(Suddenly the sounds of police cars fill the quiet night. Duty calls for SPIDERMAN...he takes off...)
MJ(sighs): we'll never finish hanging this picture on that stupid wall if he keeps going off like this!!!
yeah,see wat i mean. He'll be sooo busy that i tink MJ will leave him sooner or later..
My take on the show: veryy nice..cool graphics..nice song tracks..shld get a better lead though..hehe..n mayb the lead actress shld be
hehhe..wonder how many ppl jus got WET (cos spill water wen see such a beautiful person appear) seeing that..hahah...she's soo HOT isnt it..wow,love her hair!!
here's another one..oppss..wadrobe malfunction..
hmm,think i better stop..if not sure get accused by u peeps for being lesbian!! im NOT!! im still very much into guys,thank you. hmm,talking abt guys..
u know those lifts they have in HDB flats nowadays..those kind with the sort of transparent thingy for part of the doors which allow ppl to see the outside..i totally HATE it man!! wads up with the government for installing those kind of lifts??like wat's soooo nice of seeing the cemented walls as u go up and down???n it totalli wipes u off of all privacy!!
i mean usualli(not tt i do that) ppl do all sort of stuff in lifts wen they're alone..like tighten their belt,pull up the bra strap,dig nose(eww)..have a quickie??(hehe..for those peeps staying in blks 30 stories high!)
but now,with these stupid kind of lifts..u cant do those stuff anymore! ppl can see wat u're doing..thats not all..wat's up with that stupid voice:
(press button..)
Voice(sickly sweet gal voice): doors closing...going up..
like hello..i dun need a stupid voice to tell me im going up! it was ME who pressed the 8thfloor button rite..of cos go up la..1st storey dun go up den can go where??? want also install those kind i say the floor i wanna go to den auto will bring to that floor..better rite??makes more sense aso correct..
Still dun understand the meaning of installing those kind..Not that it's much nicer too...no meaning no meaning...waste the PEOPLE's MONEY!! tsk tsk...
(walks away singing): spiderman,spiderman...he does things noone can..spiderman spiderman..........................
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