Friday, July 09, 2004

back to square one....

haizz...jus wen i thought seeing the doc would relieve me of my back DIDNT!!! first there was some relieve..pain was gone~ but it returned sOON after~!!!! haiz..sad ah sad ah..m i supposed to suffer with this for the rest of my life???? dun wan ah....pain ahh....but luckily i have a super understanding, super kind partner (jo)..n not to mention super funNY~!!!!
hahha...guess wad she did AGAIN~!!! for the dunno how many times this month..she dropped a whole tips box!! (for those who are wondering..tis is wat we use to transfer liquid stuff from one thing to another..1 box has ard 50-70 tips...)
so back to the topic..there was this time she opened the box the wrong way..n everything spilled on the cant use..the funny thing was the way she was like s-t-a-r-i-n-g at the horrible scene~!!hahahah...
den this time..after filling up the box(a veryy boring n time-consuming task),she was trying to carry n balance like 5 such boxes to a table. n guess wad happened? hhahah..yup .. 1 of the box fell...usualli, the box would remain closed. No biggy..but she's jus soooo suay wen it comes to tips la..hahahh..the box opened...and yet another FAMILIAR n horrible scene appeared on the floor...hahhah...laughed till i had to squat down ah!!! n she had to fill it up AGAIN.. ;) hhaah..k la, better not tease n laugh at her anymore..laughed at her too much at tt time le...

ps: jo, pls dun curse me!! not making fun of u..jus enjoying the laughter u bring to me~!!hahha...our 2months coming soon...hehhehhe....