Saturday, June 19, 2004


this HAS to be one of the more busy weeks this year!! surviving on very little sleep..come to tink of it, im now trying to stay awake on 4+hrs of sleep!! *starts to zone out* it's been band band band after hrs n hrs of project! interesting life im having eh~! hehe.. this is one crazy week la!been happy, been sad, been angry! n of cos..VERY tired~!haha..wonder how many of my enteries are abt me being tired?hehe..think it's like 75% of them! haha..either im making the fullest out of my hours..or im jus freaking busy! anyway, between all the crazy hours of experiments,i managed to take a stupid pic! haha..'nice yellow man' hehe..

*ponders..exactly who was my angel for tt 'angel n mortal' game ah?? if anyone knows tell me pls..*