Tuesday, June 15, 2004

fed up with the world~!!!

im fed up with every single thing now~!!!!!! arghhh...

im fed up with the internet connection for being soooo slow..
im fed up with that man who cant seem to walk in his path jus now!
im fed up with band for ending soo late..
im fed up cos of the fact that my mouth is sore from playing.
im fed up that im sooo tired.
im fed up that i still get affected by him!!!!
im fed up with the cat which looked sooo peaceful sitting there staring out ahead.
im fed up with the mosquito bite on my toe..
im fed up that im FED UP!
im fed up cos i dunno wat to type anymore..

n finally...im FED UP at the water heater for taking soo long to heat up!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhhhh....im pissed at the world!!!!!!