Friday, May 21, 2004


wow..watched Troy yesterdae!! great show... here's my 5cents worth of advice for those who are planning to watch it.
For the weak bladder..
1) Go empty yr bladder b4 the show
2) Dun drink too much while watching the show
3) Bring along a jacket if u're not tt tolerant to cold cos being cold n 'tight-bladdered' is not the best feeling to go through ;p

BUT..of cos if u dun mind missing part of the show, u can always ignore what is written above.. (1st hand experience so better to listen!!hehheh)

the show was realli cool~ had some thoughts after the show.. like how pride can control one's actions. n the greed.. all these still seen in the world ard us..onli in less bloodshed. horrible... Then there was this part where Brad Pitt said something like how things seem more beautiful cos u'll never know when it'll all end..or something along those lines la.. i guess thats y ppl always say to treasure what u have now cos u'll never know.. more treasurable cos u'll NEVER KNOW~ it's like if u know u can have ice-cream anyday..that occasional ice-cream treat wouldnt be that great a deal..rite?

arghh..dun feel like typing back is killing me!!cant even sit..lie down aso PAIN!!!argghhh...any doctor in the house??
