Monday, April 19, 2004

*coughs coughs*

*cough cough*...arghh,got sick yet again!!like wat's new man..this year haven been really good for me..out of 4 months,im sick for like 3months?!!this time down with cough!something new i guess..hahha..tink going to cough out my lungs soon..but not as bad as ash' thank GOD for tt~mus go see doctor soon.gotta cure b4 the exams! anyway,IMM pract. exam today wasnt tt much of a killer as i expected.but hopefully can do well!!!*prays* nothing much to say..lazy to type aso..throat feels veryy irritated..arghhhhh
oh joined us for band last sat..hahaa..kinda weird seeing her in the band rm!!hhhaa..but im sure she has tt musical skill hidden in her..jus waiting for her to expose it!hahha..cos if her bro's soo good in his trumpet, i bet music genes runs in her too!!haha..tts my belief..but it's up to u, jo. to prove tt u CAN do it!! pressure!hahha..jus try out la..see whether u ENJOY urself anot..tts the most important..if yes, den hope to see u in band after the exams!!hahhaha....