Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Mixed feelings

hmm..now listening to a song called Bamberg Fantasy..it's pretty cool~!!sort of gives me the *kick* to play better in band!!seeing how well he performs in everything he likes aso makes me wanna prove myself..makes me wanna be GOOD in the stuff i do..n no longer be jus tt average-in-everything gal..no longer a jack of all trades,master of none..anyway,yesterday's jamming session was great fun!!much tighter den the last session..soo tt's a good sign i guess.im realli going to miss this after the perf. this sat..yes,tiring is tiring..but i dun know..music sort of brings me alive..ermm..depends wat kind of music la..but i know i have something in me..jus have to find that!arghhh..but with sch work n all..i jus dun have much time to dedicate it to music..realli envy those who have found their talent..(like him..hehhe)..kk..better stop here..gotta get ready.. huiyi coming soon to do project..hope today can finish up tt project n the AMB one with ash..arghhhh!!!!

"Toil to make yourself remarkable by some talent or other."
Seneca (5 BC - 65 AD)