Tuesday, February 10, 2004

New Skin

finally..got the new skin done!!*pats on my back* anyway,dun tink i'll stick with this for long.cant get the calendar part i want.. -_- k,back to the usual update of my life..yesterdae's encounting with the rabbit,xiao bai, was not exactly a pleasant one..1st bad experience was holding its hind legs so jo could inject it...was worse den terrible!!it was scared n tt didnt make me feel any better!!could feel its heartbeat..soooo fast!!as jo went closer to its skin, i could actually feel its breathing get faster!!did xiao bai have eyes on his butt?!?hehe..but wen jo inject into it, he went bonkas!!was pushing against me chest like mad..den the legs like super powerful sia!!scared the hell out of me..den wen trying to calm him down after tt,got scratched by it..luckily not serious..hahah..if not he'll become rabbit stew!!jus joking la..

the 2nd encounter was actually worse..i had to inject anasthetic to calm him down..lo n behold,at his hind legs again!!dr Lim said tt it was supposed to be not much of a pain..but tt sissy boy..tsk tsk..struggled again..this time was jus like <-------> close to kicking my face!!luckily i siam fast...den after tt,we all decided to inject him another day..went through tooo much already..both the rabbit n the human!!he actually bent a needle k..horrible experience..my hands were like shaking after the whole thing..almost affected my MC rehersal thingy aso..haha..but tt went well in the end la...k,too long too long.. ciao~

"Nothing shocks me. I'm a scientist." as if..