Saturday, January 03, 2004

FirstZzz.... of the shelves...these are all the first .... that happened to me in 2004!!!hahhha...toooo bored now..k, so here goes..

ALL mY FIrSt....(ermz...not really all...).....

BREAKFAST: nothing..woke up too late.. ;p

LUNCH: some vege n rice...

DINNER: pizza hut!!!hahhaha....loved tt the most..

JOKE HEARD: a lame one from joanne!!!!

PERSON TO SUAN ME: ash..stoopid...

SCOLDING: mum...cos i didnt wanna wake up...hhahha..

FRUSTRATION: at my mum for nagging at me...whahhah...

WORRY: abt the hp thingy....

CRY: over the hp thingy...

SURPRISE: my sec sch friend won the hunk of the nite at the sentosa countdown thingy!!!!!

k la..dun wanna bore u all's been fun doin tt...go n try..hahha...

"Look not mournfully into the past. It comes not back again. Wisely improve the present. It is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future, without fear."