Tuesday, November 18, 2003

What does LOVE mean to u???

wat is love??was thinking abt this wen i was sweeping the floor jus now...hehhe...but yeah...love=?? love towards parents, love towards yr siblings, love towards yr friends, love towards the things ard u, love for yr passion in life....there's soooo many types of love...but y do most of us usually concentrate on only the 'love towards tt special someone'??aren't the others equally importantly..??i've recently realised tt i've been misplacing my expression of love....to the wrong people n wrong things....but it's not too late for tt realisation...at least i've realised....have u??have u expressed love to the ppl whom u really cared abt recently??if no...den mayb u shld do something abt it....

"Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."