Monday, November 17, 2003

not dead yet...

hmm..realised that it had been awhile since i last wrote in here...well,cos there's actually not much to report on....for the past few day ended not much different from how it started...if u get wat i mean..hehe...went for band on fri n sat...we had band camp but i didnt stay was fun...probably cos i wasnt present for practice for like sooo long...( reason one...) yeah..ohh yah..i'm trying to get the tagboard sorrie pals...will get it done asap...(understanding the fact tt i'm a computer idiot..i should be able to get it done b4 the end of this yr)....hehhe....k la..dun know wat to write...n as tradition goes...

"Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway."