Monday, December 15, 2003

wanna know more abt me.....heheh...dun wan den dun read....

For formality's sake..
Name? Hasinah aka Joyz
School? Ngee Ann Poly
Location? Singapore
Working? not now


Wished you were dead?
sometimes wen life hits rock bottom for me...not now though..cos it's the HOLIDAYS!~!!

Broken somebody's heart?
hmm...hope not

had your heart broken?

Lied to get what you want?
of cos...white lies..neccessary in life

Loved somebody so much you'd do anything for
hmm...guess so..but haven found 'THE ONE' whom i'll die for yet...hehhe...

Seen a movie star? every morning wen i look into the mirror...hhehe..

Felt like killing someone?
not to the extent of really doing it...

Lost someone you truly love?
GOD has been good...not yet...

D0 Y0U..

Watch romantic shows?

Cry a lot?
last time, not tt much


does water count??

not jus yet...soon..

Do you drink and drive?
ermm...question dun apply to me yet..

Like anyone right now?
trying to un-like tt person...

Love anyone right now? (and we don't mean your
family members or relatives)
i guess not...

Sleep early at night?
recently...but if not sleep ard 1+..

WHAt d0 Y0U..

Feel like doing right now?
i feel like eating a pill which will make my sick go away so i can go out...

Wish for every time you see a shooting star?
hmm..depends on the situation..happiness...

Think of during a kissing scene at the movies?
ermm...not much..

Want in life?
to be happy..

Hate most about yourself?
dun hate anything..but jus wish tt i can look better in the appearance department...

Like most about yourself? eye lashes??hehhe...

WH0 W0Uld Y0U..

Like to kiss?

Marry if you had to marry someone right this
Michael Jackson!!!hehehhe....he seems like a great person...

Want your ex to end up with??

WHAt's Y0Ur..

Favourite colour?

Favourite cocktail?
Singapore Sling...for now lah...

Favourite number?
7 or 11

Favourite place to chill out?
beach...or home is aso okie...

Ideal date like?
cool the beach mayb..jus chilling n enjoying each other's company...

Change what u can...Accept what u cant...

The weirdest thing you've ever done?
doing this...think must be the effect of the medication...!!!!

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined."