Monday, November 24, 2003


in my 18yrs of life so far...wat i saw yesterdae nite can be considered the most divine n amazing sight i have ever seen!!!!honestly, it may mean nothing to others...u all may have seen more beautiful things...well,i'm pretty crazy over stars..the night sky basically...n wen i was coming back from malaysia yesterdae nite...i looked up into the sky...*went speechless*'s nothing like wat i usually see in S'pore..cos it was a dark highway..the stars appeared to be brighter...the sky was like black velvet randomly spotted with sparkling gems...really beyond the description of words...i jus did it great injustice..but it was truly amazing....k now...not mood to blog anymore so end now...with a totally unrelated quote....couldnt find anything related lah..hehe...funny one though....

"I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?"