Sunday, December 21, 2003

rain rain rain....

school is going to start soon!!!!!all the hectic n crazy life is going to happen again!!!sometimes i think poly life is kinda funny...rush n push yrself for like 4 months den rot for 2 months...personally, i dun mind the 2 months part...hehhe..sooo fast...overall, i can say that i enjoyed myself more this holiday compared to the last 2...y??guess there are many reasons why...will not mention it now...
anyway yesterdae was my buddy's birthday...finally 18...used to make fun of her for going to pubs illegally...!!hehhe...u're off the hook for now buddy...wait till u're waiting to be 21!!hehhe..torture will start again then...
on another note...i HATE the hp i'm using temporary SUCKS!!!the batt. is sort of it can die in like half a day...dun wanna waste money on new batt cos i wun be using this hp for long..suckers~!!so friends, bear with me until i get a new hp(wun b long)...sorrie if i take a longggg time to reply u...or if i dun know who u r wen u message..thousand apologies....

"A good friend can tell you what is the matter with you in a minute. He may not seem such a good friend after telling."