Wednesday, February 25, 2004

a scary thought~!!

Was studying at my table wen i overheard some neighbours talking outside.They are great women.Good mothers..good housewives too i suppose..Den a thought crossed my mind.Am i going to end up like them say 30 years down the road??Staying at hm..being a homemaker?If so den why in the world am i studying soo hard now?I definately dun need to know abt B n T cells to be a housewife..let alone how a microarray functions!!So wat, im going to study soo hard jus for tt general knowledge..get a Dr put before my name..feel the glory of that..but at the end of the day,im supposed to stay hm n take care of the kids??hey..dun get me wrong..i have no problem with tt..I mean i feel that it's important for a mother to be with her kids esp during their prime years..i SWEAR by tt rule..but it's like either u're in the workforce or at hm..cant be in both..but i guess jus because i dun know how the future would be, i have to go STUDY now~ who knows,mayb i may not even get married??hahha...

"I'm just a person trapped inside a woman's body."