Tuesday, February 24, 2004


i wanna change the song but jus cant bear to..it's jus too nice~!!k anway the MC thingy is over n done with(Thank GOD for tt)..my buddy's signing finals is over..n she is the CHAMPION!!!wohooo~she was amazing i tell u..jus have to hear her to believe!!beautiful..amazing..k back to the MC thingy..overall,i tink it went alrite..could have been better though..i guess i really did scare the Raffles Girls ppl wen i announced them as jus a merit winner(they got 2nd btw)...hehhe..well, kinda pissed with my co-MC..but think i'll better leave tt out...sooo with those out of the way..next big thing up would be...COMMON TESTS!!how interesting~ haizz..wanna sleep now but cant cos some house evaluator is coming soon..guess im really shifting this time..dun wan to..i like this area...arghhh...

"Aim for success, not perfection. Never give up your right to be wrong, because then you will lose the ability to learn new things and move forward with your life."