Sunday, April 11, 2004

19years n counting~~

wow, 19 now..this is gonna be the last yr where i can put a '1' in the front of my age! getting old!!hahah...but this year's celebration was GREAT!!!!best i had sooo far i reckon. all thanks to the great crappie gang i have..feel real blessed for that fact..all their fault..made me enjoy myself sooo much on thursday that yesterdae felt sooo lousy!!! jus jk..hhaha...but realli, i know i sound naggy,(mayb even fake to some) but this is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time..i realli did enjoy myself. i hope u guys did too.. but i guess it's back to studies for now..sianzz..last lap b4 3rd year.. have to make through this...cannot fail anything!!! C is bad but cannot fail can le..mus chiong all the way..but wonder how im gonna do that for perl?!?!?! tt one die le la...

"Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion. Impossible is nothing."
