Tuesday, April 13, 2004


the results for the allocation of the 3rd yr project is out le..Jo n i got wat we wanted..so yah, tts a good thing!!mus work hard to prove to Dr Lim tt im not a lousy student!! angel:*den y are u wasting yr time here??tsk tsk..* devil: *she needs a break..go on..play play..it's okie* oh no, tink ive gone mad!!anyway, perl project isnt going tt well!!still trying to get someone who KNOWS perl!!note that is KNOW perl not WILLING to HELP us in perl!!!can u believe that..even wen we're willing to PAY for someone to help us..NOONE can??!??! manz..wonder y i even chose tt module to start with!!was i mad??
n today, we actually had a chance to kill a mouse for IMM pract. I actually was prepared(since last fridae wen i read the manual)..i was holding its tail..placed the forceps at the neck..den suddenly i saw how the mouse was freaking out..peeing n shitting..den something jus HIT me tt i CANT do it...i dunno..suddenly i jus couldnt.. i bet if i was forced to do so jus now, i would have cried!!hahha..luckily it wasnt compulsory to kill it.. i know it's for the sake of science n all. but jus couldnt bring myself to take its life..need more time..mayb if it didnt freak out sooo much, i would have been able to do it...stupid mouse!!make me feel guilty onli..somemore look soo cute!!hehhe...k la..long enough le...update soon~

"There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance."