Thursday, June 10, 2004

dead silence

*Walks down a dark path. Doors line the walls. There is a deadly silence. You can onli hear yr own footstep. Heading towards the only sight of light one can see. There is a bright orange sign..Can barely wait to reach it. Suddenly, one of the doors creak. Knowing that there isnt anyone else ard, U twitch..but walk ahead at a steady speed. Knowing there's someone watching ur back, u walk on. You reach it..lights flood the place..u heave a sigh of relieve!*
yups..a true account!hehhe..can u believe it..left the LSCT block at 7.30PM today!!!! 7.30pm !!! reached sch like 9 in the MORNING! wat kind of life do u call this? not stressed la..jus very tired!hhaha..crazy crazy kind of days im having now! practicalli stuck in the lab from 9am-6+pm EVERYDAY!!! n worse it's SIX days a week.. spend more time in the lab den at hm ah! missing my bed, my pillow, my tv, my life!!