Sunday, May 30, 2004

la la la la

borin boring day~!!!let's see.. computer has been switched on since 2pm..been researching more for project and also some work on the band more of the HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN!!! oohhhh..i cant wait to watch tt show!!!!!realli excited!!wanna watch DAY AFTER TOMMORROW and SHREK 2 aso...ohh no..tts a lot of $$$ to be spending on movies in a time like this.. manz, i feel sooooo broke recently. the money in my account is PATHETIC.. even had to think twice abt seeing a doctor for my aching back(it's still pain..but i tink it's either getting better or im becoming immune to the pain).. haizz.. i WANT MONEY..dun need alot..jus enough for me to live by without have to stinge n worry... MONEY MONEY!WHERE HAS ALL THE MONEY GONE~!!!!!!

"Lack of money is the root of all evil."