Wednesday, September 01, 2004


have u ever experience being soo happy one moment n den super sad the next? it's amazing how things can change in like a spilt second isnt it... well, wanna pen down a veryyyy sweet,tear-inducing, memory-filled event that i went to on saturday..

the old building of my sec sch was tearing down (they're shifting next door to the new building which in my opinion looks like a C.C.) anyway, the sch organised a homecoming dinner for all alumni.. n wow, im an ALUMNI!!!hahahh...make me sound old manz. So, i went back jus for a last sight of the place. N boy did that bring back soooOOO much memories. Images started flooding back slowly.. Saw people i never thought i'll evER see again after tt day wen i got my O'level results.. Took plenty of pictures..met up with soo many teachers.. ohh ohh, n i cant believe tt some of the teachers actUALLy ReMeMBERED mY name!!! like how amazing is that??!? n hey, i was no bad dun go saying that they remember me cos i was a lousy student~!! pbtthhh...

here are some pictures...">">"> after meeting up with all the old peeps n seeing the old classroom where torture used to take place..was filled with soo much nostalgia... ohh, n i saw my old crush too~!!hahha...well, no. there was no feelings coming back. Felt nothing for him..haha..actualli for a split second, i wondered wat made me like him like mad last, 5years's been sooo long.. for a moment, i wondered if that was how i was going to think of him in the time to come. realli did enjoy myself that night..felt soo wonderful. n also understood the importance of networking..

haiz..happiness was not to last... found out a sad news for me recently. it's abt him. dun wish to say much now..still haven got over that.
(jus wanna say that i hope u'll be happy...)