Friday, August 20, 2004

waste of time!!!!!

Things i can do in 65mins...

1) take 40 winks
2) perfect up my playing of qing tian on the piano
3) slack
4) revise like 5 slides of proteomics (though it's not likely tt i'll do that)
5) sleep somemore....

yeah,actually there's more but too lazy to type now.. so wat's my point here? 65mins was the time that 963 took to get me to Woodlands Interchange from NUH yesterdae.. n who was the idiot who said that in spore, the transport system is soooOO good that it WUN take more than 1hr to get from one corner of spore to the other?? *gives disguested face*

anyway, im using a computer in the sch library now..n the session will end in like 5 mins.. so i better end off soon.. it's pouring outside..*wished i was at hm now.. * time to go do project again... u know i realli curse the 2 idoits who used up the vials of TM4 cells leaving us with nothING!!! i curse them :

1) nightmare of their greatest fear for 1year
2) excessive growth of hair on their butts
3) overgrowth of pubic hair that would hinder their sex life for 1year...

arghhh..dun blame jus feeling mean right now n u cant sTOP me!! wahahhhaha...*evil laughter fills the library*