Monday, August 16, 2004

more happy times to CoMe~!!

haPpY 3 montHs anniversary!!! the past 3 months wasnt all tHaT smooth flowing, but i guess we got through some pretty horrible sh**!! thanks for being patient with me at times wen im like totally b-L-U-R-R... moRe hapPy timEs to come i hope~!!

moving on..OLYMPICS!!! woohoo.. been waiting for this for like sooo long..!! u know one thing i feel that can be improved.. they should have a time-table drawn up for each sport..saying what time which game is played on which channel!! wouldnt tt make our lives easier!!! it's big enough a headache remembering for that test coming up next week or that birthday present which has to be bought... so make our lives easier n come up with that time-table la.. hmm..den again, i may be sooOO ignorant n not know that such a thing alreadi exists..cos if it does..can someone tell me..hahah..i reAlLy neeD it!! =D

k lah,i just realise that gals bball is on now!!! blog again soon....