Monday, October 11, 2004

interesting day

Today was one of those days where u end it with a smile on ur face. Went to sch
in the morning for the test which i missed due to the vomitting-issue.
Anyway, in tt short 2+ many things happened! hahha..
dunno y, but try as i might i dun tink it'll sound funny if i write this out.
But i saw Dr.Koh..he damn funny. a veryYY quiet man! realli..
walk in and out of the room but NO SOUND!!! if not for the keys jingling in his pocket when he came in, i would have died of shock when i look up
and saw him there!!

Anyway, test was a killer. But other than's a mighty good day~!

Was on the way hm, and i bumped into him. Not as in
physically bump into him la.. but ya, i saw him. K, shouldnt
go on abt good no good...*shakes head*

Oh, then decide to go for jog in the evening. Btw think

ive gone mad! Even when im already freaking broke i went
for a mini-shopping spree after sch! Bought new pants and earphones!!
yea baby~ finally nomore silent busrides to n frm sch!
Finally i can indulge in MUSIC everywhere i go~!! woohoo..n it's in BLUE too!!
now how great is fav. color!

(but u know one's the same color as his too.. Die-ded. But

believe me, i didnt get the sAME color on purpose! tell u a secret ok..
*come closer la* k, it was the only color they had actually. so no
choice aso. price aso in my range so yea)

p.s: *reads back to check entry* ehh..did i make it sound as if i

bumped into dr koh? nono..the him doesnt refer to tt SILENT man..

k la..going to play games now.. shall study when the mood comes..which i

wonder when would tt be!