Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Thousand apologies

Firstly, DONT expect any pictures in this entry..hahah.. i know i know.
I did promise to show some pictures.. Honestly, i cant wait to put
them on too. But unfortunately, my toopid sis just HAD to delete the program which i use for editing pix. And cos most of the pictures are
either too bright or too dark, i need tt software. arghhhh...

But not to worry.. Im borrowing it frm someone. so pictures soon ya~ hahah..

anyway, jus finished watching this movie..awesome-ly GROSS!!! *pukes*
in the show, this woman actually eats fetus wrapped up as the
fillings of dumplings to keep herself looking young!!
*bends over n vomits again*

but really..ive heard abt such things before..Do u tink it really works??
as in eating the meat of fetus or drinking the blood of virgin
girls to stay young n to have the ability to have more oommphhh
when doing *AHeM*..

gross eh?

And talking about staying young. Haizz, realised time is passing quick.
Just had a talk with the gang the other day abt wat's the next step to take. And frankly, im sort of *unable to find words to describe feelings at the moment*... To continue studying, i need lots of greenary ($$$$$). I can get a little of tt by working first. Then again,wen u get a job..It may be a little dumb to quit and risk not being able to find one wen u get back frm studying. It's no tale that there ARE lots of graduates who are still jobless. Den the choice of studying and working comes in.. But tts tough too~ Haizzz....i guess i still have abt 5 months plus to decide.... will see how la~

but coming back to the present, it's attachment now!! haha...n for this week, it means vcd watching time!!!!hahhah..tata~ gonna watch
another movie now. errr, think it's 2046?? hahaa...cheerios