Wednesday, December 15, 2004

feeling faT!!

im preggie with junk food!!! ahhhh...i just found a totally sinful place to eat here at NIE.
or rather NTU la~ MacDonalds!! nonono...the catch is tt the meals of Mac here is
super cheap!!! it's abt $4 per meal!!! like wad the hell!!! soo much cheaper
than it is outside.

Now im soooo tempted to try all their meals which i dun order wen im
outside cos of the price. (eg. big n tasty meal, McSpicy Double....)
aww manz!! im gonna be's FATTER!!!

hahah...control...control!! Rondeau coming~!! =p

No la...jk jk.. Now sitting here n digesting the meal i had earlier(the chicken foldover thingy)..
i feel kinda sick~ mayb..juSt body doesnt like fast food after all!!hahahah...
but it's been awhile since i last ate Mac. so maybe tts y...

Anyway,gonna let stomach digest food awhile more before carrying on with work. argghh....DNA extraction....bleh~