Thursday, January 06, 2005


I was soooo shocked wen i saw what i saw in the comments box that i decided
to reply u guys in an ENTRY!! happy..?? ONE WHOLE ENTRY for u peeps!

[ this part is for future sake wen i read's wat happened..after i post up some pix in the last entry regarding are wad some peeps had to say
abt the sizes of the pix..]

`destiny`: wao. mama. this time wanna help u also cant le. u super duper BIAS ar!!! hump...

mon: ya lor.. i agree w eliza lor.. its even smaller than pi sai le.. i dun wan to fwen u liaoz la.. nex time i giv u withered flower then u knw!! hmph...

eLiZa: its EVIDENCE!!!
eLiZa: pls lor...we nt jealous lor...look at the SIZE of the pictures!!!juz becoz we nv give you flowers our picture is like e size of a pi-sai...or even smaller...

N here's wat i have to say..believe it's up to u...

Firstly, wen i entered that entry it was on

Joyz was deep in thoughts @ 1/4/2005 04:36:08 PM Comment(s) <--directly cut n paste from blog!!

So seeing those stuff in's a TUESDAY n aso few minutes b4 i knock off work.
I guess now i realise tt it's a mistake to blog wen u have not much time to do so..

So anyway...when i posted the entry..i didnt realise tt the original sizes of the

pictures were soo big!!! o_O *wahhh soooo huge!!!can see every pore sia!!*
<--wad went through my mind

So lalalala~ i went to reduce the sizes. *click click click* soo while happily clicking away, BOSS came in!!! *in panic...immediately logged off blogspot n photobucket*
NOTE: at tt moment not all pix were resized

Den talk talk talk to boss....
Boss: Nothing much to do here anyway..You can go hm le.. Have a good rest ah..
Me: Ok..Yes, i will...Thanks! *hastily turns off com. and gets ready to go hm*

[note: boss not trying to be kind. Me was sick!!]

So when i got hm, i tried to edit the remainding here click there....

but lo and behold~ my home computer just wont allow me to do so...
try as i might..i cant seem to reduce the sizes of the other pictures..

Argghh...the frustration!!

Me: never mind..tmr go work den edit the rest.. *cough cough*
yeah..*sniffles* i hope none of the guys check out the blog yet..*coughs*
if not sure got something to say one! *achhoOOO*

But how in the world would i know tt i was too sick to go work the next day?!?

Thus unable to edit. Blehz~

ANywayZ, ive tried to edit the pix as soon as i got into work today...but somehow..have only managed to change the sizes of a few..will try to deal with

it again wen got more time..But hey, pictures are JUST pictures yo...
It's the memory of it tt matters. You guys have given me great memories tt i'll remember for a long long time... pls la..tink a flower matters tt much meh~
joking or not...i jus wanna let u guys know tt i treasure u lot!! The wHOLE lot of you!!!!
Each and every person in the crappy gang has somehow or another played a part

in my life. And for that i thank you!

[so just please ignore the SIZE of the pix n carry on with other stuff k?!?! furthermore, the pix were jus for viewing can judge the tightness

of friendship on tt!?!??! tsktsk...]