Sunday, January 23, 2005

nice smile

Did some volunteer work today. Went to bugis to collect donations.

Conclusion: Many Singaporeans have nice smiles. (Yup. *knods head*)

Here's the typical reaction of 35% of the people i met today..

me: Hi (inserts kind smile here), would u like to make a donation?

Mr Scrooge: *smiles a damn pleasant smile* *with a slight shake of head* ...continues to walk away

me: thank yoU.. (added tt just for sarcasm)

Nonetheless, the remainding 65% were good people. Sort of made my day worth it.

Anyway am feeling so drop-dead tired now..but cos waiting for someone so decided to come up with an entry.

Back to work tmr....LAsT 5 days of attachment!!! mixed feelings.....

oOoO,person is here...will blog again soon! stay tune for new poll n results of old poll in the next entry!!!