Ramadan 2018
So Ramadan has started.... and to date, I haven managed to even do 1 day.... :(
Internally feeling like shit because on so many levels, I know I’m not doing enough for the religious part of my soul......... if I were to die in the next hour, sure go hell! 😣
Lack of discipline... lack of effort... too many excuses...
I think those are the same points that are causing me so much financial pain.
Ever since Ramadan started, I’ve been thinking about him... random thoughts of what he used to do... like how he likes to eat the porridge from the mosque during break fast...
how he will sometimes bring us to the bazaar at Arab street to buy yummies for break fast...
Or how he will want us to wear long pants during the morning meal n during break fast...
Memories like that really make my heart ache because he really was a good dad on so many points...... i believe he still IS........
why does the mind weaken is such an awful way that changes a person’s character totally?
It’s just so cruel....
And once again, I believe we were too quick on making the decision to split. Maybe he became too aggressive too quickly. Maybe we were too young to manage properly. Maybe things could have worked out differently if............
Haixx so many maybes.... but reality is he’s not with us now... really hope he’s doing well...
Dear God, I know I have not earned the rights to ask things from You..... but please continue to keep a look out over daddy.... let him be taken care of properly till his time is up...
Please keep him fed and sheltered. Remove him from any pain if any... dear Lord, please watch over him. Ameen..