My computer has died-ed. Everything inside gone! :D but luckily ive already made back up!! hehehe.. *grins*
Shucks!! Actually come to think of it, didnt manage to transfer everything.. ohh nooooo!! i guess ive lost most of the songs and some pictures too..haizz... computers! technology!
hmmph.. Cant be trusted la~
Suddenly feeling like a grumpy old lady..
gosh, i dunno what else to say. ohh ohhh!! SPURS ARE THE CHAMPIONS..(in case u didnt already know.) -sings-'We are the champions! WE are the champions! No time for losers cos we are the champions!!!!!! woohooo'The adrenaline rush that day was fantastic i tell u! Actually the game only got REALLY exciting in the 3rd quarter. oh boy..just LOVE the game man!lalalllal~ lallaa
*thinks of what else to say*Hey ask u all something, do u ever get the feeling when u see some celebrity on tv or something..u get this strong vibe that somehow u KNOW them. As in like know them as a friend.. Ever? (Or am i the only one? mmmmm...)
Do u like sushi? I like the one with the octopus.. also love the ones with the crabmeat! You?
Oh boy, think im losing my mind! Better stop my rambling! It's getting too late. Shucks, i cant even form proper sentences! Hope the deal closes well tmr!!! *prays**bless me peeps!!!*
After a day of shopping and talking and shopping and talking and shopping and........ Im feeling sooooo damn drained! Head is throbbing a little.. Argghhh.. But im kinda feeling excited right now too! *wriggles ard in seat* Tmr is Game7 of the NBA Finals! It's the FINAL showdown between S.A Spurs and Detroit Pistons!!!!!! [And of coS i support Spurs la~!! ] *cant sit still*Thought Spurs wld close the game on wednesday and end up as Champs..But those Pistons ah! Dun know when to give up la~!! Buuuuuuttttt that's the game and I LIKE!!! SPURS GONNA WIN!!!!Cant wait to see 2 of my favourite-est guys of the team! *giggles* (oh man, i dun giggle unless im superRRRR excited)
They're none other than Tim Duncan (standing right, jersey 21) and Tony Parker (sitting centre, jersey 9)!! the other fellow is David Robinson whom i totally respect man! Also another damn good player in my opinion! But he's 'retired' le...Wasted la~*starts drooling over pix of tony*
[i REFUSE to resize this picture!! :D]Nice bod hor! hahha...He's only 23 leh! But don't like his eyes in this picture!!! Quite scary! It's funny how they make him pose with his arm dangling on the hoop! With his height, dun think he can actually even reach it ! offense to u la honey!haizz... *continues staring at picture*mmMM...k la, this picture actually not tt nice! hahaH!! But honestly, bballers arms have the bEST shape la! Look at duncan's arms too! Though bulky but nice shape! [hmmphh,dun care if u dun agree. Cos I LIKE..hahha] ai yah, dunno y i like watching the game sooo much (all yr fault la jo!). Emphasis is on the word WATCHING. Though i like to play the game too..But somehow always like sooo clumsy on court! bleh~ will stick to watching it for the time being! hehhe... k la, got to sleep now..Tmr have to wake up to watch the match!! Cant wait cant wait cant wait cant wait.......[all the words in between the * * are completely fiction la! Headache where got mood to fidget!]
PnC update
The percussionist!Isnt really the best and clearest picture ard..But it's the only one i got of the whole group. Didnt really feel like taking pictures tt day.But here's another one of 2 closer peeps of mine.
Kinda dark though..lazy to edit la..heheh...Well anyway, if i thought Rondeau XIX was my worst performance..This PnC has beat it hands down! nonoOno..let me rephrase.. Events leADING up to Rondeau XIX were terrible (eg. my tbone slide kanna dent! then eye got hit my someone accidently!..) The actual performing part can be considered one of my personal best actually.
BUT for this PnC..haizz...I started off the day having a little bit of a runny nose. But thinking that it'll just go away as it sometimes does,i ignored it. By 3pm, the 'runny nose' had became a full-blown flu! Was like sneezing all the time during the break before concert!
By 6pm, i felt like crap. Honestly didnt feel up to standard. know what,i think because everything felt as if i were in a fish tank looking out..slow and blurry sounding.. the nerves for the concert werent tt bad.
Yeah,I was nervous for some songs..but not as much as i would have been if i were in perfect health! So looking back, maybe the flu did help me... mmmm... o_O
Still, this whole sneezing and sniffing issue resulted in me not having the best time for the concert. I was actually planning on taking tons and tons of pix to put up here..But yeah, as fate would have it.... *sigHz* Anyway, glad i got through it!
Amazing fact is that i managed NOT to sneeze at all during the WHOLE time i was playing. Trust me, tt was my greatest fear for the night! Imagine play play play halfway then sneeze! If not playing obvious part still ok.. N since im not the loud-sneezing type..So no one will notice. But if play important part how??? hhaha...but luckily and thank God, tt didnt happen. Though there were aLOTTTT of sniffing... My friend even said she could hear me sniffing from where she was (which is FAAARR)!! hahha... pai say sia!!!
Right after the lights came up for the audience to leave did i then started sneezing 3 times in a row!! haha...seemed as if the sneezes were accumulating themselves!
Anyhooo now that PnC--Funvives is over, kinda sad that i wasnt able to enjoy myself more! But nonetheless, the learning experience behind this concert was a great one! I really learnt alot during those lessons with the section tutor!
Yup show is starting soon..So i'll have to end here.. tata~
[hahaha...will write a proper conclusion another time!]
1 minute of silence
Before moving on to any other topics (eg: the PnC--Funvies which took place yesterday or my eventful driving lesson on friday) I like you to join me in a minute of silence for a dear pet of mine. Skinny pooh pooh (as shown in pix below) passed away peacefully (i hope!) sometime between 8pm and 11pm on 11th June 2005.
[The family welcomes and appreciates any donations from well-wishers.]:'( honestly, due to various reasons (mainly the fact that i was extremely ill [still veryy sick] and also tired after the concert) the truth of pooh pooh's passing didnt really gET me..not until this morning..or rather the weeeee hours of the morning when i couldnt sleep because my nose was giving so much problems!The truth has now set in and im getting very worried that fatty pooh might just go too. I mean after all the 2 were soooo close. Fatty might get lonely or something. mmmmM...Is pooh pooh even capable of feeling such emotions? Deep deep deep down in, i believe they can but to make it so that i dun feel saying that they cant understand the feeling of sadness.[note: i cant replace with another mouse cos they will fight]Haizz... Well...i guess i sort of know that they're going soon..Just not THIS soon... and i always thought fatty will go first...cardiac arrest! hehhe...Anyway, suddenly no mood to update or comment about yesterday's performance now. Toooo darn sick aso..So maybe will do tt tmr (if computer allows) along with some pixs..yeap till then, take care ppl..Flu bug is around. ( trust me, i GOT it)
About 3hrs ago, I drove my virgin 'L'-plate drive. The feeling i tell beyond description man! Now i understand the kick some ppl get from driving. But for me, today was more of nerves rather than any of that kick la~ Finally after years of watching other 'L' drivers on the road (and laughing at them), i am now the 'lembu' driver (siti & sunil: did i spell tt correctly? =P), as my dad puts it. I am now certified to cause accidents on the road! heheh...Anyway, im now in NP library waiting for band to start.. Using the computer at the cafe and looking around every few minutes for LION HEAD!! Cos cannot use the computer for outside school use rite? or issit can? mmmmm.... Using this computer feels soooo damn good sia! Finally something fast-speed! A nice change from my snail-speed like computer at home. Real tempted to come sch once in a while to use com.! hahha.. ~madness~k, got to go off soon.. But before that, let me promote something! ReAD ON!! :) Ngee Ann Polytechnic Concert Band presents FUNVIES Date: 11 June 2005 (Saturday) Cost : $6 Time: 7.30pm yup yup. For more details, call me.. Come watch me play me 'solo'... hhehe... But honestly, the arrangement for this concert is kinda fun. If u came for the last PnC or Rondeau XIX, expect something different for this one. Really. Take my word for it. If it wasnt true, i wouldnt even be promoting it now. Alrighty now, with tt said and to band i go... tata~
Is it better to be a 'Jack of all trades, master of none' or to be a 'John the pro' (though only in 1 aspect)?