Sunday, June 12, 2005

1 minute of silence

Before moving on to any other topics (eg: the PnC--Funvies which took place yesterday or my eventful driving lesson on friday) I like you to join me in a minute of silence for a dear pet of mine.

Skinny pooh pooh (as shown in pix below) passed away peacefully (i hope!) sometime between 8pm and 11pm on 11th June 2005.

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[The family welcomes and appreciates any donations from well-wishers.]

:'( honestly, due to various reasons (mainly the fact that i was extremely ill [still veryy sick] and also tired after the concert) the truth of pooh pooh's passing didnt really gET me..not until this morning..or rather the weeeee hours of the morning when i couldnt sleep because my nose was giving so much problems!

The truth has now set in and im getting very worried that fatty pooh might just go too. I mean after all the 2 were soooo close. Fatty might get lonely or something. mmmmM...Is pooh pooh even capable of feeling such emotions? Deep deep deep down in, i believe they can but to make it so that i dun feel saying that they cant understand the feeling of sadness.

[note: i cant replace with another mouse cos they will fight]

Haizz... Well...i guess i sort of know that they're going soon..Just not THIS soon... and i always thought fatty will go first...cardiac arrest! hehhe...

Anyway, suddenly no mood to update or comment about yesterday's performance now. Toooo darn sick aso..So maybe will do tt tmr (if computer allows) along with some pixs..yeap till then, take care ppl..Flu bug is around. ( trust me, i GOT it)