Friday, April 22, 2005


Among the tons of things that kept me occupied and away from the computer for
2 weeks, yesterday's packing of ALL my poly notes into a box was madness~!!

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Quite a job well done eh~ (if i say so myself!hhehe ^_^ )

This was the result after 5hrs+ of cleaning and dusting (i cleaned my WHOLE room!! the table didnt take tt long). The result after listening to 4 Backstreet Boys albums!!

OHH OHHH!!!! DID u KNOW THAT BSB IS BACK!!?!!?!!!! Oh Man!! after FIVE YEARS!!!!! They're making
a comeback!!! Im soo proud of them!! heheh...

AND AND If u observe closely enough, you can see nick's pix standing proudly on the 2nd shelf of my table! I managed to find that yesterday while clearing some boxes. What great timing!!

Just the thought of BSB reminds me of sec sch! It was then that i was crazy over BSB..or rather crazy over Nick~ (becos i dun wan anyone else to set eyes on him,
i refuse to put up any nice, cute pic of him in this entry. hmmph.) Anyway, i still remember that when prelims were approaching, i had this conversation with a fellow Backstreeter abt flying to US just to meet them after the O's! hahaha... Those were the days that money SEEMED abundant and flying to continents were talked of as
if they are as cheap as taking the bus!

Anyhoo, JH (howie D's fan)...still game for tt trip? maybe say 5-8yrs from now? hahhaa...


Hmmm,on another note..after MIA-ing from the internet world for awhile..dun really feel the need to use the computer. That is aside for the regular check of mails. Besides, if u have to work with the crap of a machine im using now, u'll understand why i rather do other stuff than surf the net.

So unless i get married to Prince William and cant help but brag abt it here..i guess blog entries wont be that often from now on...Then again, i never blogged often ya~

Got to go meet friends le! Im sooo busy but who's complaining! mmmm,however it would be nice if there's an unlimited supply of cash in my bank though. Without having to work for it of cos!

kk...taATa for now~ cant wait for tt zoo trip on monday!!!

im going to the zoo zoo zoo
you can come too too too

(errr..forgot the rest of the song!)