Thursday, March 17, 2005

Last of lasts

I had my official LAST lesson of my tertiary education today. (tt is
if i dun get retained for any modules) Didnt realise that till 10mins ago.

Still in shock.

Just like that 3 years have gone by...It's fast.. Really...

Memories...Plenty of memories...

You know what..i can still remember my FIRST day at NP!!! hahah..

it started off horrible..

It was a pouring morning. Raining cats and dogs.. I had an 8am lesson. I was early though. Unfortuantely, didnt know tt 74 was such a crowded bus. The rain made things worse.. As a result, i was late for class. It was a computer programming class (just for notes, im still amazed that i passed tt module). So anyway, cos i came in late..Had absolutly no idea what he was talking about. Behind me was an ah-beng clad in slippers n all(yes,i was wondering how he got into Biotech), so i didnt dare to ask him. On my right was this guy who

kept frowning (found out as classmates later tt it's just his habit to frown) so naturally i didnt ask him too. On my left was the wall...
But i got through that lesson somehow..

Anyhoo, enough of reminisce.. Definitely learnt alot from the past 3 years. Not only education-wise but also socially.

I would like to thank those who have walked this journey with me.
Even those who jogged alongside for a short while. Every one of u have somehow or another affected me in a way (be it good or bad). Thanks! giving speech hor~ hahha... Anyway, not long more before everything ends. (april 5th -->external examination) Then im FREEEEE!!!!!!! (oh shucks, what am i to do after that?!?!?!)