Saturday, March 05, 2005

an update?

It's funny how when i have the time to blog properly (like now) , i
end up being not in the mood to type about anything!

Mmm,just for the sake of updating... My life the past week had been a crazy one! Or rather a mentally-taxing one. Boy am i glad tt it's all
gonna end soon!!!!

Part of me IS of cos sad that very soon, i'll be out of NP..carrying on
with my next chapter in life. But there's a tinnie winnie part deeeeeeeppppppp deeeeeppppppppp down inside that cant wait for
all these to be oveR!

The rushing of assignments!
The writing of endless lists of reports!
The endless battle to hit tt 1000++ n 1000++ words per report!
The late nights just to complete a report!(rather early MORNINGS!!) [record so far is sleeping at 4am with 8am class the next day!
thus only having 2hrs of sleep!]

Yea's all gonna repeat itself again if i continue my studies. However, i cant take it anymore for NOW! [see..even the way i type becomes soooooooo report-like!! who the hell uses however when
typing informal?!?!]

Anyway though it's only 1am on a friday night (usually friday is my
dont-need-to-sleep night), ive decided to go charge up.
For the next few days/nights are yet again report rushing time....
After kinda gets to u, you know ....

Ai mood to blog now...............................................

hehhe..but have to add something.. CHRIS Is sOOOO cuTE!!!! will try to put up his pix!!(though might need to get green light from his wanna-be gf *ahheemm JOANNE ahhheemm* )