Day 12
Amidst the madness of settling in with our new addition + the whiny-ness of a 2year old + attention-craving of a 6year old, 12 days have just sped by!
I think we’re almost at the point where a routine has been nicely formed...
But that being said, it’s almost the 2 weeks point already!
I remember this is also around the time when the hormones will go a little crazy and sure enough it did!
Yesterday somethings happened and I snapped and cried in the room. Good thing is that despite the shift to the in-laws for this confinement, I still have privacy and space to myself.
I think I’ll share what caused the snap in another post... I’ll dedicate this one to surgery emotions and post-surgery thoughts and recovery process..
Day of surgery
So the initial plan was to go get admitted around 2+am after Rou’s night feed so that we can get some shut eye before the surgery at 7.15am.
But little bum was going through some emotional trauma... kept whining and crying and making a huge ass fuss!
End up we decided to just sleep at home till ard 3+ then head to the hospital..
Made a stupid move to eat a slice of Nutella bread just before 12mn because I was hungry + mentally exhausted from hearing rou cry.
That stupid greed + lowering the long-acting insulin dosage = 9.2 reading at 6am!
Less than ideal sugar condition to be in.... oh ohh!! Need to mention that for dunno what reason. I suddenly had a bad allergy to something that caused my whole face to be red and tender.
Heng it was not swollen!!! Just had very rosy cheeks (which made for good pix but ‘sadly’ the redness went down quite abit by the time of delivery! Spoilt my plan of doing mask the night before for glowing skin for the birth photos 🙄)
So anyway ya, that night when I had the allergy flaring up, I was worried that they may not be able to operate the next morning 😂
But praise be to God, surgery went ahead despite the high sugar reading and allergy.
The epidural injection sucked and hurt more than my experience when having rou..
Don’t think this anaesthetic time is very very good..
Because up till today, I still feel numbness right at the base of the back. Near the top portion of the butt..
It’s pretty annoying because it makes sitting uncomfortable plus if I move in some positions, will still feel some slight cramping! Totally didn’t have this with 2nd delivery! 😤
Post surgery recovery
Something different this time round is that wound recovery feels a little slower too... as in the pain level post surgery was much higher!
Felt sooooo much more painful to move around during the initial days. Don’t remember suffering this much previously.
But thank God once again that the pain is mostly reduced as of today.
Still taking pain killers here n there.. but moving around is much less of a chore!
At least I can decently get up to pick didi from the cot at night.
Omgoodness the initial few nights upon returning home was pure torture!
Just the 1st night itself, I scolded myself for making a stupid decision of not working harder and getting a confinement nanny!
Didi drink and poo and drink and poo dunno how many times CONSECUTIVELY!
I tell u.... my back felt like dunno going to break into how many pieces man!
So ya...
I hope the worse of the recovery process is over! Praying that thur’s stitches removal won’t be soooooo painful!
Hope the wound is recovering well too..
Ohh! The only thing now is the crazy high blood pressure readings!
Ard day 3, I started getting high bp readings but thought that it could mostly be due to the pain from the wound.
But till ytd, the readings were around 170/100+!
All I can say is thank God that baby is out and healthy!
Let’s hope that blood pressure goes back to normal asap! I wanna buy early critical illness plan ah!!!
Ohh and that sugar test around early March will come back with fantastic NON DIABETIC results!!! 🤞🏼
Ok, v tired already.. time to call it a night before didi wakes up for milk!
Btw didi’s name is Chia Jun Zhe Aalaric
Finally finalised it after soooooo much internal conflict! 😓🙄🤦🏼♀️
Ok, byeeeee... eyes can barely stay open!!